Golden Flames

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Manta watched as the carriage with Aegon disappeared into the desert. He walked over to Thereya's body again and scoffed "These days dragons fall from the skies like flies," Manta spitted on her body.

"Throw her into the sea!" He shouted at the two of his men who were standing in the back.

The Dothraki girl Erys watched with her eyes wide, a tear softly rolled down her cheek and met the dry land beneath.

Two of Manta's men approached Thereya's body, a few blood stains still on her face, as well as sand and dirt. They pulled her body upwards holding her underarms, the other man took her by the legs, "Not such a Princess-like sight huh?" One of them said.

Erys watched them move Thereya's body, a new feeling rising within her, her fear and worry replaced with anger slowly boiling inside her. She truly let Thereya's words of hope into her heart.

"You dogs!" Erys shouted, pulling her chained hands forward, "Today you have killed a dragon! Murderers! You shall feel the wrath of Gods themselves! You will meet justice! Every knee shall bend before the Dragon Princess!"

The men looked at each other before laughing. The other slaves looked at Erys, amused by her bravery.

One of them spoke in between the chuckles "She might as well be The Ghost of old Valyria..." The other one laughed and said "Your little speech here didn't quite send an impression on us. Men of the Essos aren't quite easily scared."

Erys's narrowed eyes pierced through his before she spoke quietly, "The message wasn't for you..." She said as she looked at the other slaves around. They were listening, some of them starting to narrow their eyes, and some of them just stared at the two men.

Suddenly the big grins on their faces slowly faded, "I will be free..." Erys mumbled softly. The men stared at her still holding Thereya's body like a bag of fruit.

"I will be free..." one of the slaves across Erys said softly as well, and that caught the men's attention. Then another slave repeated "I will be free..." and then another one, and it all became like a choir.

"Throw the body into the sea... I will get the whip..." The man said to the other one as he walked away towards the tents.

Erys was stuck in the scorching desert, chained to a pillar, as she helplessly watched one of the Manta's men dragging Thereya's lifeless body through the hot sand. The sun beat down mercilessly, making the whole scene even more brutal.

Thereya, once full of life, looked like a puppet in that man's arms. Erys tugged at her chains, desperate to do something, but she couldn't break free. The desert seemed endless, just like her sense of powerlessness.

The Manta man, in his torn clothes, walked toward a distant oasis illusion. Each step felt heavy, echoing the harsh reality of their situation. Thereya's body, now limp, cast long shadows on the scalding sand.

Erys strained against her chains, wishing she could reach Thereya. The man gently laid her down, and Erys' heart screamed in silence. The desert, indifferent to their pain, stretched in all directions.

As the man left, Erys remained chained, tears streaming down her face. The desert breeze whispered, carrying away the memory of Thereya. The sun, unfeeling, continued to watch over the desolation.

The man, burdened by his grim task, walked through the shifting sands towards a distant stretch of docks. Thereya's lifeless form, like a limp puppet, remained cradled in his arms, a silent testament to the harsh reality of this life they lived.

As he reached the weathered planks of the docks, worn by both time and tide, the man's gaze fixated on the expanse of the open sea. Without a moment's hesitation, he gently cast Thereya's body into the water, where it splashed, momentarily disturbing the otherwise calm surface. Standing at the edge, he became a stoic figure, his eyes following her descent into the unforgiving embrace of the waves.

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