You Will Go To Hell (Jay + Alex hurt to comfort)

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The more that Alex laid there, the more nervous he felt. The tears were so close to coming out, but all Alex could do was lay there. The longer he laid there, the heavier he felt. He felt as if he could sink down to the depths of hell without needing to die again.


A concept he grew up believing he would go too. His mother would consistently tell him he'd go to hell over small mistakes. " Nadia you better get your act straight." " Nadia you need to straighten up or you're going to hell." "Stop believing those strangers outside." She'd say. She'd always end all of it with "you will go to hell." She'd use religion to get him into multiple scenarios. One such scenario ended with his right arm ablaze. They did not even get the flame out until his sister screamed at them. All they were focused about was the dying burning man. They did not care about the 9 year old. Only about one of the church leaders. They'd tell him he was being dramatic as they took him to the ER.

Alex was lucky he didn't loose an arm that day.

However the scarring stayed.

Alex hadn't even noticed his door had opened until he felt a weight on the side of the bed. He flinched and looked next to him; seeing Jay there. Alex froze, not knowing what to expect from the man today, but all he did was sit there. The two remained in silence, only hearing the low muttering from the living room. It appears Jessica was talking with Seth, but what it was about was lost.

The silence was the loudest sound Alex had heard that day.

And then it was broken. Jay sighed softly and put their hand on Alex's left arm softly; the softest touch he had given to Alex in years. Alex felt his eyes glaze over, and Jay almost took the hand back. Alex shook his head, and so it stayed. Alex cried silently while Jay rubbed his arm softly. The two stayed like that until Jay muttered something softly. Alex couldn't hear it, but the tone was comforting and reassuring. Alex cried harder, putting his right arm around his eyes. Jay got up for a moment to shut the door, then sat back on the bed; nudging Alex to sit up. Alex did.

The moment Alex sat up, Jay hugged him. He froze, before leaning into the touch; sobbing into his shoulder. Jay let out a small huff of breath before rubbing Alex's back. Alex sobbing freely, and Jay let out a small laugh before commenting on it. "This feels familiar." He whispers. Alex let out a small laugh in return. "Sh." Is the response. Jay barks out a laugh and pulls away, and Alex couldn't help but laugh at it as well. "We don't talk about high school Merrick." Alex jokes quietly. Jay huffs out a quieter laugh and nods, whispering "I know, I know," in response. The two sat in silence again, however there was this comfortable air about them. 

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