Chapter 8. Inner Sanctum.

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"This is as far as I can go," Ming announced, as he stood in front of me, looking deep into my eyes. I now noticed a look of concern on his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, as I saw him swallow hard.

"I must wait here, but I believe in Pond when he says you will return. I trust him and so must you. Do exactly what he tells you, no matter what. Just remember that he has saved your life once already."

I just nodded in return, not knowing what to say. It all sounded serious and final. Ming pulled me into a hug and gave me a real tight squeeze. I could sense him holding back his emotions. I was moved by his genuine show of affection.

"Go and rinse your body well under the shower in any of the cubicles," Pond ordered, as he began taking off his jumpsuit, displaying a well defined body, in tight swimming briefs.

My eyes could not help but check him out, although in the main area of interest there was nothing to see.

"Spray this white liquid dye over the whole of your body, especially your private parts. Do not miss any area and close your eyes when you spray your face. Then use the body dryer on the wall to make sure you are perfectly dry. Your body will be left with a temporary stain. It is important that you are thoroughly dry before returning here with just your shorts on. I too must shower and prepare, and will meet you back here soon."

I did as I was told, being really careful, and when I returned Pond was already waiting for me. He touched my body to check I was dry and looked to see I was covered enough with the stain. He gave me a warm smile, obviously pleased I had performed the task with care and to his satisfaction.

He placed his hand over a scanning machine and the red door slid open, revealing an enclosed rectangular space, almost like a lift. Another red door was in front of me.

Pond led me into the space and the door closed automatically behind us, and I could hear the mechanism clinking as it locked. He turned me round to face him. "This area is where you must lose your distinctive human smell. It will return but I must disguise you with my scent so that you can pass into the inner sanctum. I must also temporarily paralyse you so you cannot move, but you will still be able to hear and feel everything that happens. You will be placed in a pool of sea water and be allowed to drift down. You will feel hands hold you and feel lips against yours at least three times. If you feel lips against you four more times the last set of lips will be mine and it will all be over."

I just nodded rather nervously.

"You must put this silicone band over your eyes as you are not allowed to see anything. I will carry you through the doors and will be close to you at all times. Trust in me. You will be approved."

Those last words resonated in my head as Pond placed the silicone band over my eyes, checking carefully that I couldn't see anything. It was very tight, but flexible, and was relatively comfortable.

"I will now disguise your human odour," Pond advised, as he made me spread my legs apart and hold my arms out, so I was standing in a star position.

"Stand still and do not move, no matter what I do to you or how you feel. This is a most serious and a very important task I must perform, and it is certainly not a joke."

I stood there trembling slightly as I felt a fine spray on my body, making it feel slightly wet. Then I felt what I gathered to be Pond's hands, touching me. He started at my head and worked his way down to the top of my swimming shorts, touching all over my torso, front and back. He then ran his hands over my left foot and worked up towards, and over the top of my knee and then moved over to the right foot and performed exactly the same task. I could feel bubbling on my skin and I assumed that this could only be the stain reacting to getting wet again.

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