Chapter 31. Mind Reading.

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Ming did as he usually did, and cleaned the room while I sat down and watched.

After we had walked Pang and Sky back to their dormitory, he asked me if I wanted to go back to his room and wait for Pond.

"I will be safe, won't I?" I teased, but it backfired on me.

"Oh! I'm not sure about that. You were awesome tonight and you have got me all worked up."

Ming must have seen the look on my face change as he quickly followed it with "I'm only joking of course."

"I deserved that, didn't I?" I felt foolish.

"Yes!" He had that wicked smile of his when he answered me. "I just like us mutually liking each other. If that ever changes to us being boyfriends and lovers, then I will love it, of course, but until then I am happy to keep my promise."

We waited over an hour for Pond to come home after his soaking ritual. His first words, on entering the room, were "Good! You are still here. It went perfectly."

This time he didn't hesitate in hugging me.

"I knew you could put people to sleep, because of what was done to the twins, but read and then clear their minds at the same time, that was awesome," I enthused.

Pond gave a wry smile. "I didn't need to put them to sleep to do any of it. It just looks good and anyone watching would think it authentic."

"You don't?" I queried.

"No. Have you not noticed? I knew the question that Ming was wanting to ask me, didn't I?"

I thought back and gave a small laugh. "I missed that one, didn't I? So that means you already know what questions I'm wanting to ask before I ask them, does it?"

"What do you think?"

"Boy! Are you spooky or what?"

I looked at Ming and saw him suppressing a giggle.

"You knew?" I uttered, looking at him wide eyed. "And you never said?"

"Not until Karn told us that he was reading his mind. Pond was not even touching him. I had wondered if that's why he knew my question without being told, but I've learnt never to say anything and to keep quiet. Sorry, Earth? Do you forgive me?"

"The thing is, Earth. I can only read their thoughts. I cannot see into their hearts unless we touch lips under water. To us it's what's in the heart that is important. For instance......, inside your head it is all muddled up, but inside your heart it is pure and clear. Such a big difference."

"Okay what is the question I am wanting to ask?"

Pond laughed. "You have so many but you are cautious tonight. You did not anger me yesterday. I get angry because I am like you.... I don't like anyone seeing the real me. Okay! Let's answer some for you now. One. I can't read Mer minds, only humans. Two. I cleared Pang's mind totally of what you had told her about seeing us, and now she firmly believes you were hallucinating when you saw your mother kissing you goodbye. She is also convinced that you are confused about your phone and camera. Three. Sky was simple. There was not a lot to remove as there was not much there to start with."

Ming and I both giggled.

"Oh! She really likes Khun Chiang though," Pond added. "She will remember not much about tonight other than him. I teased him about it too."

I went to say something and Pond pressed his fingers to my lips.

"Four. Golf is not a nice person. He harboured ill will against you and also against the twins, especially Korn. This I have removed but he cannot be trusted ever again. He will remember nothing of what Pang has told him, or of Karn's dreams, or of talking with Korn about sharing one of your apartments. He will pick an argument with you and the twins in class tomorrow because the Principal will have cautioned him about being seen drinking in a bar on Saturday and leaving it drunk. He will then ask to be moved out of your dormitory."

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