Chapter 17. Affection.

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I was sitting with the Twins, Ming, and Pond in Plaa Plaa Plaa again, tucking into another of their Prawn and Mango Curry with sticky rice. I had enjoyed eating that so much when we first ate here four days earlier that I ordered it again.

Ming was having Pan Fried Halibut Steaks with a typical Thai lemon herb sauce, Korn ordered the Marinated Whitefish in fresh coconut milk, and Karn the Steamed Sea Bass with coriander.

Pond had taken ages making up his mind and had eventually settled for Pan Fried Salmon with a tangy lemongrass and honey sauce.

We each tried each other's dishes and the consensus of opinion was whatever you ordered it tasted fantastic. I then understood Pond's dilemma with what to choose. Besides, I think he must have eaten this style of food quite a bit already.

We were meeting with Khun Chiang again. Pond had said that he wanted to meet so he could get to know the twins and me more, but he had been delayed. He sent a message to say not to wait for him and to eat, saying he would join us as soon as he could.

The restaurant was really busy when we arrived and Yacht had given us a warm enough welcome, but didn't have time to spend talking with us as a bell rang to indicate food was ready to be served. I had a fleeting glance of another young boy in the kitchen, as he handed plates of food to Yacht. It looked like the restaurant was already becoming popular because of the quality of the food and the reasonable prices.

I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Korn nudge Karn just as I was feeding Ming a choice looking prawn, and he was feeding me, in return, a big succulent piece of halibut.

Karn promptly giggled, which made me blush. I hadn't thought. I had just done it without realising and I just knew I would get teased about it later.

I was pleased to see Korn chatting easily with Ming earlier about the Liverpool and Barcelona football game from the other night. There didn't seem to be any awkwardness on Korn's part, regarding Ming's sexuality, despite his prejudiced views regarding homosexuality.

It was the first time they had spent time together since the events of the other night and they were getting on fine, laughing and joking together. Ming had relaxed more as the evening went on and he kept looking at me and smiling, obviously pleased to be spoken to by Korn without any animosity or nastiness. We had spoken of his possible attitude the previous day, and were relieved that our fears did not materialise.

Karn, on the other hand, had already made an effort to get to know Ming. After my tirade at Pang suggesting if she had only bothered to get to know him she would understand why I wanted to be friends with him, I liked to believe that Karn had taken that onboard as he had gone out of his way to speak with Ming quite a few times. The cynic in me said it was his knowledge of MerPeople that was of interest to him. Either way I was happy that Karn and Ming were talking and becoming friends too.

I felt good. Much better than I had for some time. I was making real friends outside of Pang for the first time in my life. I had always felt that Karn and I could have something special between us, but I had always been cagey about letting him get too close.

I regret that now.

Pond was worrying me though. He seemed quiet and reserved tonight, not his usual easygoing self. He had been leaving the table, fairly often at the start of the evening, and going into the kitchen area. Ming had quietly told me that he was probably calling Chiang.

Whatever the reason, Chiang's late arrival was definitely playing on Pond's mind.

By 8:30 pm the restaurant had begun to empty as diners finished their meals. I saw possible new diners being turned away by Yacht and I wondered why as it was a Saturday night and was early still.

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