Chapter 32. Aggression.

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When my alarm went off the next morning I was quickly up and off to the washroom, with the twins close behind. We had shaken Golf before we left, but he pushed us away and rolled over. We shook him again and got a mouthful of abuse for our efforts.

"Leave him be, Earth," Korn said firmly, pulling me away from shaking him. "Ungrateful bastard deserves to have the hangover from hell. I don't understand what's got into him."

We left him and met up with Pang and Sky for breakfast before lectures. It was a little tense at first but then everyone relaxed. Nothing was said when Ming sent me a text and I replied, and I felt happy and relieved that Pang was friends with me again.

It was as we were leaving our lecture class at the lunch break when Golf stormed down the corridor, making straight for Korn. His face was red with rage and he was throwing crude expletives at Korn like rice confetti at a wedding.

As Korn stood his ground to face him, Golf grabbed him by the throat and the momentum forced him backwards and up against a wall, knocking other boys out of the way as he did so.

Karn and I rushed to help, and so did another couple of boys, and we managed to separate them before any punches were thrown.

We were lucky that no lecturers saw us and we bundled Golf into an empty classroom and shut the door.

"You grassed on me, you snitch!" He yelled at Korn.

"You've been watching too many American movies," Korn retorted. "What the hell are you on about?"

"I've been threatened with suspension. They knew about me drinking on Saturday night and about you having to carry me home last night. They said that a student had reported me. It was you, wasn't it?"

"No! Why would I want to do that, for? We're mates, aren't we?"

"That's what I thought, but you all keep having these secret meetings behind my back. You want me out the way, don't you?"

"Hey! Don't be daft, Golf!" I intervened. "You're imagining things."

"No I'm not! I've worked it out. You're as queer as that knobhead Ming, aren't you? Why else would you hang around with a fag...... And those two incestuous bastards are lining themselves up to be your best mates and land a highly paid job with you. I've not been included in your secret talks because I'm not queer like you three...., so bollocks to you all....... I've had it with you. I'm moving my things out the room and moving in with friends that are not as devious and untrustworthy as you three.

Golf pushed his way through us, sneering at all of us in turn, and having a face off with Korn, their faces just centimetres from each other.

"You're a devious bastard Korn!" Golf sneered in his face. "I'm sure you set me up with the drinks. You're not usually that generous! You tight git!"

Karn pulled at Golf's arm, pulling him away from his twin as he saw Korn's fist tighten in readiness to hit him. "Tell you what Golf...... I'll order you a present..... just to show we harbour you no ill feeling."

"You what......? A present? How's that gonna fix things?" Golf cocked his head at an angle and raised an eyebrow.

"Well it's kind of special. It's only suited to a certain type of guy..... and you happen to be one of the lucky people it was designed for." I could sense that Karn was holding back from telling him what it was.

"Come on, stop pissing about!" Golf swore, his impatience and anger both rising. "Just get on and say what it is you're gonna order for me."

I saw the sparkle in Karn's eye and I could tell he wasn't going to say something nice. I could tell... truly I could.... but I wasn't prepared for what he said.

"It's a Life Alert Bracelet...., so if you ever get one it will notify you immediately."

It took a minute or so for Golf to comprehend the insult. It was the rest of us starting to laugh that helped the penny to drop.

He flushed a deep shade of crimson, and in a futile show of macho bravado attempted to swagger out of the room, bumping out of the way whoever was unfortunate to be in his way.

News of the confrontation spread around the Campus quickly, and it wasn't long until a text from Ming dropped in. 'Are you alright'

I sent one in return 'No! I'm half left with a bit in the middle'.

His reply was quick. 'Funny Ha Ha. Seriously R U OK?'

I simply typed 'YES' in capital letters in response.

Over lunch Pang and Sky were gobsmacked when we told her what happened, and we all noticed the odd looks we were being given by other students. I understood it was all part of Pond's plan, but it felt uncomfortable and I was sorry for Korn as he took it far too personally.

Karn went against what he had vehemently advised me not to do, and told Pang about the trip to Hua Hin and asked her if she wanted to come. I could have kicked him, but I wasn't close enough. Pang looked pleased and surprised, but declined. She had already made plans to spend the weekend at Sky's home.

I know I shouldn't really say it, but I was so relieved she couldn't come. Why did Karn do that, though? It was not what we had planned. I asked him the first chance I got. 

"You really don't think things through good enough," he chided. "She would have been hurt when she found out, especially as you would have called in at home and would have seen her mother. You are friends again and her not knowing could have ruined everything. Anyway I knew she was going to Sky's for the weekend!"

He was right and I thanked him for being so astute.

The rest of the week passed without any major incident and Golf avoided us as if we had a contagious disease. Pang did not always meet with us. Our short separation had indeed opened up a new avenue of friends for her, or was that something else Pond had instigated? Whatever! It suited me. We spoke almost as much as before, but we were not forever in each other's pockets.

It left me more time to be with Ming and for me to sort out in my mind exactly what I was expecting to happen between us over the weekend.

Was I, as Korn was always asking, going to get my cherry popped or was I going to pop Ming's? Or was Ming going to be really sweet and not pressure me?

I tried to digest some of the facts about gay sex that I found online, especially the sites that talked about your first time and what to expect. I wouldn't say that they frightened me, particularly when I read that it could hurt, but I found I was getting more and more confused and beginning to dread going away with him.

The question that kept playing on my mind was a simple one to say but a hard one to answer. And that was......

Was I doing the right thing?

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