Chapter 51. Rogue Landlord.

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I woke up, still held in Ming's arms. He was still sleeping.

We had gone to bed fairly late and had talked a little more before falling asleep. Ming had not attempted to touch me other than kiss me and I was grateful for that. I knew now that I wanted him to touch me but I wanted him to tell his parents first and get that worry out of the way.

I hoped Cherry was right and that they accepted it.

I reached carefully for my phone and looked at the time.

It was 8am. There were a number of emails and text messages and I could see they were mostly from Karn.

I had spoken to him late last night before we went to bed. He told me that Good had easily hacked into the Professor's computer hidden files and had downloaded them all onto a USB stick without anyone seeing them. He had also deleted, on the main college computer, sections of the history covering who had looked at which computer and at what time, as well as the CCTV recordings for the same period, thus hiding his tracks.

Best and Good had found time afterwards to play a game of football with Korn and some of the other members of the football team, and it had been quite an eye opener just how well they played. Karn had said that Korn had really enjoyed their company and was sad when they left early that evening with Pond to return to Hua Hin.

I was relieved that they had been able to obtain the information they needed without any trouble.

The emails and texts from Karn advised that he had heard from Book. Firstly about Kla and it was an update on his walk with him to school that morning. Karn just said that Kla was coping really well and Book was happy that he had taken to Klaew's return so easily.

Book had then just confirmed by text this morning that there had been a bad confrontation in the ocean overnight and that although there had been many casualties, Chiang was safe and Mongkut's army and his human mercenaries had been almost totally wiped out. The last text said that Book and Yacht would be returning to Bangkok on Wednesday or Thursday to reopen the soaking area and the inner sanctum in the aquarium, and they asked if Ming would be back by then.

There was no mention of Pond, and that worried me.

I woke Ming up and showed him the messages.

"I need to tell them when we will be back," I said as he quickly read them. "I have a bad feeling about this and from reading between the lines I think that Book is really counting on you being there."

"I can't answer that yet, can I?" He answered straightaway. "It depends on Dad..., and also on how things go this morning. Can you just say that we will let them know by the end of the day?"

"Of course. No problem. I'll send Karn a text back now." I reached over and kissed him. "Sorry, I have not even said good morning to you."

"I had noticed, but then neither had I." He kissed me back and pulled me back down under the covers. "Karn can wait five minutes for a text back, can't he?"

We made out. Nothing heavier than passionate kissing, though.

I desperately needed to pee to get rid of my morning erection and eventually pushed Ming away. "We can carry on later tonight once your parents have given us their blessing."

"What if they don't?" He threw back at me.

"Well you will have to wait until we get back to Bangkok then, won't you?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him and made him laugh as I exited his bedroom in search of the bathroom, keeping my hands covering my groin.

After we had both showered and dressed we went downstairs. His mother and Cherry were both up and preparing a breakfast of rice congee. No coffee was offered, only tea and I guessed that it was a luxury they couldn't afford.

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