Chapter 14. Exposure.

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"What?" I queried, as I stood looking in the mirror applying a covering cream to a spot on my face. "Why are you smirking and looking at me like that?"

Karn just giggled and carried on smirking.

I carefully adjusted the strands of my hair that were not quite in place, and put my finger in my mouth to wet it before running it over my eyebrows. I stood back, twisting my body this way and that, checking myself out.

Karn sniggered again.

"What?" I repeated.

"I'm not saying anything," he declared, raising his hands up in a mock defensive position in front of him. "I daren't. Pang is probably still having therapy from the public broadside you fired at her at lunchtime."

"Please don't say anything else about that," I whined. "I was wrong. It was too full on and I was way out of order."

"The only thing you did wrong was to say it so publicly." Karn came and put an arm over my shoulder. "We've always noticed how controlling of you she likes to be. It's about time you started sailing on your own without her wind blowing you off course. If you want to preen yourself to look nice tonight, then good for you. I'm sure Ming will certainly notice and appreciate your efforts."

I chuckled at the way he ducked out of the way after he had said it, expecting me to have hit him.

It was just me and Karn in the room. Korn and Golf had already gone to watch the football, and Karn was already washed and changed, and had been waiting for the past ten minutes for me to finish as I titivated myself.

"Do I really look okay in this shirt?" I suddenly blurted out. "It's not too much, is it?"

"You asked me that just now and I haven't changed my mind." Karn wearily replied, casting another customary glance over the yellow shirt with a multitude of different colours splashed all over the front. "You'll certainly be noticed."

"Good. I was just double checking." I picked up my wallet and my phone and stood facing Karn with a big grin on my face. "I'm good to go."

It was strange being in the room with just Karn. Korn not being there was an unusual feeling for the both of us. It also felt odd that it was just the two of us going out to eat. I don't remember it ever happening before. Yes, it had been just him and I alone for short periods, during and after Music Club meetings, but not socially like this. I felt quite buoyed up and excited. It was like another new adventure, and I seemed to be having a few of those right now.

We had arranged to meet Ming and Pond at 7pm downstairs in the lobby of our dormitory building, after coming to the arrangement that Ming could choose where we ate as long as he let me pay for it. I had insisted on that, saying that I had promised Karn I would treat him after causing him to worry so much last night.

Ming and Pond were waiting for us as we skipped down the last flight of stairs. Ming was wearing a plain purple shirt, and Pond was in a blush light pink long sleeved T Shirt with a Koi carp fish emblazoned on the front. They were both well groomed, and a pleasant waft of cologne hung in the air.  I thought they both looked smart and handsome as I eyed them up and down.

I saw Ming do the same to me, then he slowly ran his tongue over his top lip. "You look nice," he whispered in my ear as he greeted me with an unexpected hug. I immediately blushed.

I heard Pond teasingly say something about a date, and then heard Karn giggle.

After introducing Karn to Pond we walked out of the main doors and across the Campus square and out through the main gates.

"Where are we going?" I asked Ming.

"You said you fancied trying one of the new places that have recently opened. Pond would like us to try Plaa Plaa Plaa. A friend of his has this new place, and he wants us to give an honest opinion. Are you both okay not having meat? Because as the name suggests, they only serve fish or seafood."

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