Chapter 49. The Glad Game.

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The next morning Korn hung back and let Karn and me go shower first. When we returned to our room and Korn then went to shower I took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Karn.

"You know what Karn? I'm so proud of you for how you're dealing with all the changes. I know it must feel strange and that, but you're hiding your feelings pretty good. It's only the fact that I know you so well now that I can see you are struggling."

Karn looked at me and gave a weak smile. "Thank you, Earth. I slept well last night for the first time in ages, but I still feel guilty about Klaew, and for not understanding him."

"I tell you Karn, he couldn't have been in safer hands. Out of all the people I know you are the most sensitive and the most sincere. What if Klaew had gone to Korn? Do you think Korn would have understood?"

Karn laughed nervously as I continued.

"You were chosen, Karn, because that's the way it was meant to be. There was a way back to Kla for Klaew, and although it took awhile, he made it. You need to play the glad game."

"What the fuck is that when it's at home?" Karn answered, as he combed his hair in the mirror.

"Instead of thinking negatively, think of all the good things. Be glad that Klaew chose you and not Korn. You chose me to be your friend, didn't you? It was you who befriended me first in the music club. Be glad for that because if you hadn't spoken to me we wouldn't be friends now. You wouldn't have met Pond and you wouldn't have been able to release Klaew. Don't dwell on the sad things regarding all of this, Karn. Look on the bright side of life for a change."

Karn looked at me and a cheeky smile filled his face. "If you're thinking of singing that bloody song 'Always look on the bright side of life' forget it."

"I wouldn't subject you to it, but if I see you looking forlorn again, I just might."

The smile left Karn's face. "Yesterday I felt so down and worthless. I felt so guilty that I had let everyone down. Kla was so happy last night and I felt bad that it was me that had been denying him happiness for so long."

"I can understand that, really I can, but you have to accept that what happened was not your fault. If you hadn't kissed Klaew goodbye he would have been gone forever."

A small smile formed on Karn's lips as it registered.

"Kla thanked you yesterday for looking after him, didn't he? That is what you need to focus on. Without you he would not be happy." I stood up and went and hugged him just as Korn entered the room.

"You after my brother too?" He joked as he saw the smile on Karn's face.

"Nah!" I replied. "He's too moody for me. I only like him when he's happy."

Karn slapped me playfully, "I could never date you as you know too much about me, besides you have no tits and a tight arse."

"Well, at least he has for the time being until Ming finally pops his cherry!" Korn readily added.

"You are both so obsessed by that, aren't you?" I answered, seeing them giggling away as Korn tried to hide behind Karn expecting me to slap him.

Korn winked at me and I realised why. Karn was giggling and laughing. I felt pleased that between us we had pulled him out of this sadness.

We sat at breakfast with Pang and Sky. Unusually Ming was late. I had sent him texts and had not had any reply. I had tried calling but each time his phone was engaged.

By mid morning there was still no reply from Ming and still he was not picking up.

I was with the twins, queuing to get a coffee from one of the machines in the refectory, when a text from Pond dropped in. 'Come to room now. Ming here. Bring duplicates'.

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