Chapter 34. Settling In.

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"Do you want to stay and have something to eat with us?" I asked the twins, as we followed the porters that were wheeling our luggage to our villas.

"Mum has already prepared something for us, thank you, Earth," Karn answered. "We phoned them earlier to say we wouldn't be long while you were checking in. Appreciate you asking though."

"Dad said he would leave soon to come and pick us up," added Korn. "Our place is only 10 minutes away, if that."

We reached Pond's and Chiang's villa first, and we arranged to meet them in 20 minutes to get something to eat.

Korn and Karn entered our villa ahead of us.

"Wow! Earth," Karn exclaimed as he gave the room a quick once over. "This is quite a place. What a massive bed? We could all sleep on that and still have a space between us."

I waited for a comment from Korn, as I tipped the porter and shut the door as he left. It duly came.

"Not sure there will be much space between them two tonight, despite the bolster cushion!"

I caught him with a well aimed slap to the back of the head.

Korn just laughed at me. "I can just imagine the protestations of innocence that we will hear from the pair of them tomorrow morning, Bro."

I saw the look Karn gave Ming, which, coming from him, did surprise me. I took it that both the twins were still concerned about any nocturnal interests that Ming might be harbouring.

I began to feel a little apprehensive about the sleeping arrangement for later tonight. Were the fears I was harbouring about to become reality?

Karn's phone buzzed with a text. "Dad's here. See you guys tomorrow. We'll text when we are up and about. We can sort out when and what we're doing then. Okay?"

Karn hugged me, and said "be good," and I heard Korn whisper to Ming to behave himself, as they high-fived each other. It was not anything heavy, just a reminder that they cared, and quite truthfully, I was loving them for it.

Well, when Karn said about the bed being big, he wasn't wrong. Without measuring I was sure it could be two queens pushed together. Ming had already looked for, and found, the bolster cushion Korn had alluded to and placed it on the bed.

"No climbing over and checking out the goods while I'm asleep," he jokingly said. "I've heard what you closet gays are like!"

I laughed awkwardly and watched as he continued to look over the room, checking everything out, his eyes alive with different expressions as they landed on the music system, the giant LED TV screen, and the coffee machine.

I lost count of the 'Wow's!' and the 'Look at this!' he exclaimed with such amazement and delight. Rooms like this were nothing new to me, in fact I usually stayed in far better ones, but obviously for Ming it was like another world.

He was almost lost for words when he came out of the bathroom. He stood in front of me, holding my shoulders, the joy in his face quite evident. I knew he was dying to hug me but was restraining himself.

"That bathroom is something else!" He finally blurted out. "I have often wondered what places like this were like. I never dreamed I would actually stay in one. Way out of my league."

"Could you get used to it?" I answered.

The brightness of his eyes died and the smile left his face. "Yes. I like to feel that I could rise to any situation...., so yes....! I could easily get used to something like this, as long as I could afford to pay for it, and didn't ponce off anyone else. I'm with Korn and Karn regarding you showering me with rewards, Earth, I want to earn them, not be given them."

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