Chapter 25. Admission.

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"What are you two arguing about?" Karn asked, as he saw the redness in my face when he stood in front of us.

"I didn't mean to," pleaded Korn, as he hid behind his brother, "but I just suggested that we thought he was liking Ming a little too much."

"Suggested?" I screeched, my voice reaching heights I hadn't hit since before my voice had broken. "You bloody well just came out and said point blank that I liked Ming like he liked me. You didn't even ask! You just told me."

"Well you do!" Karn replied. "You may choose not to see it like that, or accept it, but you do like him. We talked about this last night, didn't we?"

"Told you!" Korn added, as he continued to try and hide behind Karn.

I lashed out and managed to slap him on the top of the head with the palm of my hand. "Smart arse! Hide behind Karn, why don't you? I've always been honest and admitted that I've liked him. I've made no secret about it, have I? But I'm still not sure that I really like him in that way. Why can't you accept that?"

"Because that's not true!" Karn yelled back.

I felt myself going even redder with embarrassment.

I buried my head in my hands to hide it as my fear of admitting out loud to them both that I knew I did feel that way towards Ming welled up, deep down inside me.

I was distracted by giggling and looked up to see Karn and Korn, with their cheeky looks and grins failing hopelessly to suppress their giggles. They clutched at each other, their hands pulling and pushing as they each attempted to hide ... each behind the other.

I couldn't help but smile. The smile led to laughter and I threw my head back and began to laugh, the type of laugh that made your belly hurt.

My fear subsided and was replaced by an uncontrollable need to cry. Tears began to roll down my face.

I felt arms engulf me and Korn's over liberal use of cologne, overpowered and then drowned my senses, while he hugged me close to him.

Karn's hand caressed my neck, trying to comfort me and soothe my tears, but I couldn't control myself any longer and I just broke down. I sobbed my heart out as I hugged Korn back.

As my sobbing began to ease up I pushed myself away from Korn's embrace. "I'm sorry. I've made a fool of myself and embarrassed you in the process,"

I looked around to see if we had an audience. Fortunately we did not.

"Better out than in," Korn answered with a grin on his face.

"That's what Mum always says," added Karn, taking his brother's place and hugging me. "You've been needing to do that for some time, haven't you?"

"What cry?" I asked.

"Well... yes, but that's not what I meant. You've been fighting and denying your feelings for Ming since you met him, haven't you?"

I just simply nodded.

Karn released his hug on me and cupped my cheek in his hands, pulling my head up so I looked at him. "We're glad that you've at last been honest with yourself and have admitted that you like him. We're honoured that you trust us enough to admit that but we think you should be careful about admitting it to anyone else until you are sure about how you feel and are comfortable about everyone knowing. Once you come out you can't go back. Do you understand what we're saying?"

"Yes, and thanks.... Thanks both of you," I replied as a wave of relief hit me, forcing a smile to my lips. "Are you really okay about me liking him? Are we still friends?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Korn answered, somewhat indignantly which surprised me. "We may be roommates but we're also friends too. We're friends because we like you.... Being gay doesn't even come into it."

"But I thought you were anti gay?" I asked, hoping that saying it directly to his face didn't start an argument.

"I possibly am if I am totally honest with myself," Korn reluctantly admitted. "I'm a bit uncomfortable around gays that are forever looking you up and down and coming on to you. The incessant flirting and innuendos is just too much and unnecessary....., and that's not forgetting the closet cases that eye you up secretly. That's what I'm against. To be fair I don't feel threatened by Ming. I've got on all right with him, talking about footie and that."

"I don't know why I feel like this though. I'm not totally sure what I feel towards him, I haven't worked that bit out yet. I'm certainly not wanting to follow up on it, if you know what I mean. I'm quite happy with either hand at the moment."

Korn threw back his head and laughed. "I'd be careful about letting him know you like him then, otherwise you may find yourself pushed into doing it."

"What would you say if I said that I took Karn's advice literally last night and told him I liked him?"

"So he did pop your cherry then?" Korn shouted, with a look of amazement on his face.

"Don't be so gross. No.....! He was just pleased that I admitted it....., and so was Pond. Nothing's changed other than we know where we both stand. He said he still wouldn't put any pressure on me and wouldn't say anything to anyone."

The twins were half sitting, half leaning on the wall either side of me.

"I told Ming last night that I would think about coming out over lunch to you. If you were complete and utter bastards and behaved like prehistoric dinosaurs I was to call him, and he would arrange for Pond to take you swimming."

"Oh! So you were that worried we wouldn't accept it, were you?" Korn answered, giving me a questioning look with his head cocked to one side.

"Well! I knew Karn would be cool, but being perfectly honest I wasn't sure about you. What you said to me before Karn arrived made me realise I could."

"Do you mind sending Ming a text for me?" Korn asked, and I could tell from his poor acting that he was pretending to look frightened.

I played along "Why? Is there something urgent you need to tell him?" I put my best concerned look on.

Karn burst out laughing. "Your acting is as bad as his. Just tell Ming there is no need for any fishy business. I hope he can see the joke in that."

Karn helped me with the wording and we sent it off. 'Karn doesn't fancy swimming today so no need for any fishy business. Korn is looking for the nutcracker and will take great pleasure in using it on you if he has to'.

The sound of it being delivered rang on my phone. It wasn't long before the reply came through. 'Can't think of a witty reply. Happy for you as telling them was difficult. Well done xxxx'.

"That was sweet. I like the four kisses on the bottom," Karn cheekily said. "One for each cheek?"

"You be careful saying things like that brother," Korn playfully added, trying his hardest not to giggle. "Only room for one fag in our dorm."

It wasn't long before another text from Ming dropped in. It simply asked 'Where are you?'

I texted back where we were.

"Who was that?" Korn asked. "Pang?"

"No," I answered. "It was Ming wanting to know where we were."

"Talking of Pang, will you tell her?" Korn butted in, "'Cos after you having a go at her for being almost right will call for some serious humble pie eating."

"No, not at this stage. I'm taking Karn's advice. Until I am 100% sure I am saying nothing to anyone. I thought about not telling you guys, but sharing a dorm with you.... I just thought it was the right thing to do. Now you guys know my secret, I'm banking on you both to respect that and keep it quiet."

"You didn't need to say that," Korn answered, looking hurt, "but our answer is of course we will."

"Thanks. Appreciate it. What are you guys doing on the weekend?" I asked.

"We just spoke with Mum this morning. We have been told that we definitely have to go home on Saturday for Kla's 16th birthday. Not going is not an option."

"What's happened?" I replied, looking at Karn. "I thought you said you weren't going to go."

"We weren't going to as it is a pain going all that way on the coach, but Mum got really upset and insisted that we do. Why don't you come?"

"There's room for you to stay overnight if you want," Korn added. "We are going to use the opportunity to ask Dad to increase our allowance.....,"

" when we move out of the dormitory we can pay our own way." Karn interjected as usual.

"I've already told you not to worry about the money side of things right now but I've already planned to do something next weekend with Ming. I was hoping you were free to come too."

"Bugger! We just thought with you meeting Mum and Dad it would help secure the increase," Korn responded, sounding a little dejected. "What have you planned to do?"

"Look at my options of a temporary apartment in one of the complexes I will own. If you are going to move in you need to look too and voice your opinion," I replied.

"If we don't get an increase we won't move, and we're not taking charity from you Earth. No way. We don't work like that. We don't mind you helping out a bit temporarily, like, but not long term. Is that acceptable?"

"Is that the royal 'we' again or just you putting your foot down Korn?"

"I agree with him 100%," Karn interjected straight away with no hesitation. "I think you knew that already, didn't you."

I laughed.

"Lover Boy at 9 O'clock!" Korn announced loudly, and I looked to see Ming walking around the edge of the basketball court towards us.

A Touching Of Lips (BoyxBoy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang