Chapter 6. A Date?

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My alarm woke me with a start. I was desperate to pee and my morning boner was clearly evident. I jumped out of my bunk and rushed off to the washrooms to relieve myself, closely followed by Korn and Karn. Golf I knew would need a shake to stir him once we got back.

It wasn't long before all four of us were showered and dressed, and heading across the Campus to grab something to eat and drink before classes began. Pang was already there, talking with her friend Sky, but left her to come and sit with us.

"Sky's just told me that our budget for the Dancing Club this semester has been cut," Pang announced as she sat down, "It's all because we didn't win the competition last time. It sucks. I'm going to ask to see the Principal and see if he would reinstate it, otherwise we can't afford to attend this year's competition in Chiang Mai. We have been practising hard and it's just not fair."

Golf put a hand around her shoulders in an effort to comfort her. "It's not the end of the world Pang."

His hand was roughly brushed away. "What would you know about practising for competitions? You and your film club weirdos do nothing but sit and watch porno movies and then sit and analyse them. How sick is that?"

"They are not porno movies!" Golf vehemently answered. "They are classic masterpieces full of artistic merit. They have all won awards."

"How comes every one that I have seen you watch has some girl showing off her bangers at some point? Artistic? Bet you don't show one with a guy with his thingy hanging out, do you?" Pang glared at him.

"No! Because that would be an X-rated film, and you know it!" Golf replied, now sounding a little angry.

"Come on guys?" I called out, as they both stared at each other. "Settle the kettle and don't spoil today by arguing already. Take a chill pill each, okay?"

Well! The look they both gave me was classic, but before they could reply we were all distracted by Ming putting an arm across my shoulders, and bending down so his face was near mine.

"What are you up to tonight Earth? You want to come and see where I work?"

Ming left his arm where it was, something I saw Pang immediately notice. She also noticed Pond standing a little way behind him, staring at the twins with a look of total surprise on his face.

"What time, as I have a music club meeting straight after lectures?" I felt my cheeks redden as if I had been asked out on a date.

"8pm. Is that okay? We're being picked up outside our dorm."

I nodded my acceptance, and as he and Pond walked away waving, I waited for the inevitable remarks from Pang.

"Wow! He's asking you out on a date already! He's a quick worker."

"Leave it out Pang. He's being friendly. He works at the aquarium in the centre of town. I told him I had never been there and was interested in seeing it."

"When was that?" Pang asked, digging me in the ribs. "I never heard him say he worked there yesterday."

"I bumped into him again after I had left you," I replied, knowing that she would want to know more details and pretty soon.

"It was a long bump!" Golf chimed in, smirking at me knowing I was going to be on the rack with twenty questions from Pang. "He didn't get back to the room till gone half eleven."

"You've already had a secret date with him then? When were you going to tell me?" The look of surprise on her face was priceless.

"Thanks Golf! Some mate you are!" I said before turning back to Pang. "It wasn't a date. He was meeting his roommate just as I got back. We just had a chat, that's all."

"Until gone half eleven?" Pang queried, raising her eyebrows. "You need to tell me everything, right now."

"There's nothing to tell," I lied. "I helped them with their luggage and we just got talking."

Pang's eyes came alive. "You went up to their room?"

"Yes. So what? It's not like I went into a girl's room, is it?"

Pang looked at me. "But ... you know.... What if he is ... you know?"

"So? It's only you that thinks that. He hasn't said or done anything to make me think he is."

"What's all this crap you are rambling on about?" Korn asked.

"Pang reckons Ming is gay," I replied, keeping my eyes firmly on the table in front of me.

"She's right ... he is," answered Korn. "He's also in the Engineering football team. I've played against him a few times and he's a classy striker. He's well liked, despite being gay, mainly because he's not at all girly and he plays pretty good."

"His roommate looks a pretty boy," Golf added. "Do you think he's his boyfriend?"

"Nah!" Karn answered this time. "He's not dating anyone. We texted a friend about him last night as we wondered why he was being friendly with Earth. We thought he was hitting on him because he's now one of the richest kids, but it would seem it is because he genuinely likes him."

"You checked up on him for me?" I asked Karn.

"Yes. You are so naïve at times. We didn't want to offend him or embarrass you by saying anything last night. Riding into you like that was a classic way of getting someone's attention and befriending them. There had to be a reason why he did that. We weren't sure if he was out to cause trouble for you Earth. We just wanted to find out what sort of guy he is. He seems he's a decent enough guy that has had the hots for you for some time."

"He's obviously now plucked up the courage to make contact with you. Are you angry with us for checking him out?" Korn asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hell no!" I answered immediately. "Just surprised that you would do all that for me."

"Why wouldn't we?" Karn indignantly replied. "Are you not our friend and roommate? We look out for each other, don't we? Besides, now that you are extra wealthy you need to be careful when approached by people."

"I could tell he was hitting on Earth yesterday," Pang said, looking pleased with herself that she was right. "I knew him bumping into you like that was no accident. Asking you out on a date tonight proves he's after you. I have a nose for this sort of thing."

"You have a nose for any sort of thing, and stop referring to it as a date," I remarked, itching to wipe the smug look off her face. "Anyone who tries to be friendly with me .... you are at them like a Rottweiler dog, barking and snarling at them, keeping them at bay."

The boys all laughed at my analogy and it shut Pang up. She sat there pouting.

"So? Who's his roommate then?" Golf asked, helping me out at last by changing the subject. "He don't look 100% Thai and has a face that looks like a porcelain dolls."

"I think he's of Chinese extraction and is studying marine engineering," I replied, following the storyline I was told to say last night if ever I was asked. "He's on a scholarship from Bangkok Marine World Aquarium where Ming works part time. That's why Ming is looking after him."

"He's cute, really cute, despite looking freaked out from seeing identical twins." Pang said to me as we gathered up our bags and cleared away the drink and food wrappers. "Just the sort of boyfriend you should be having. Pretty, cute, and hopefully, not too bright. What's his name?"

"Pond," I replied.

Pang laughed. "That's not a very masculine name, is it?"

"Maybe it's because he only has a small thingy!" Golf added, trying hard to suppress his laughter. Korn and Korn were giggling too, their hands held over their mouths.

I wondered if Golf, and the twins, had heard Pang say about Pond being the sort of boyfriend I should have. Is that why they were giggling?

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