Chapter fourteen

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I thew the last of a hay flake out into the field for the horses. Wiping a few strands of sweat off my forehead I looked up at the sun. It was starting to go down slightly signalling its past twelve. Not really good at sun time I pulled out my phone to see I had two new messages. Clicking on it I saw Jack's name.

May I'm coming at five I'll text you when I'm on my way from the hotel.

On my way

I glanced up on the top of my screen to see my worst fear (at the moment). Click read 4:54. My eyes grew wide before booking it up to the house. Passing my mom I heard her yell what's wrong. With no time to stop and talk I swung the front door open. Racing up the stairs two at a time I opened up my room. It was bad enough that I might not be ready before Jack gets here but I have no girly experience. Aka WHAT THE HELL DO I WEAR!!!

Tearing my closet apart I slumped down on floor. I'm hopeless. Covering up my eyes with my hands I let out a small yell of frustration. I heard a tiny knock on the door. Looking up I spotted my mom smiling at me intill she took in my room. Her eyes growing wide and a small giggle coming through her mouth. I frowned at her before looking around me. My closes where everywhere. There's even a bra hanging off my lamp. Great.

"Here hon" my mom handed me a bag. I raised an eyebrow up at her but peeked inside anyways.

Pulling out the clothing items one at a time. There was a pair of dark slim no it cut meaning they would just stick to me like a second skin intill my shin. But the shirt is what made me smile. It was a thin material tang that would need me to layer it but it was the tang top I've been looking at for a while. It was a white airy tang top with the American flag taking up the whole front. Yeah it was simple but I liked it. I smiled up at my mom before hugging her.

"Thank you sooooo much" my mom chuckled before patting my back.

"Now go get dressed. And your welcome" my mom sent me one more smile before closing the door. I clutched onto the clothing before slipping off my work clothes and got dressed.

I slipped on my Americana cowboy boots before pulling my blond hair out of my shirt. I took my hair brush and started to brush the mess of hair on top of my head. Finally everything seemed good. I glanced at my phone to see that it's five already.

"A little late ar..." I was cut off when I heard a truck horn outside my house.

Racing down the stairs I reached for the door handle. Flipping my hair behind my shoulders and straightening out my shirt I felt ready. Taking in one more deep breath I opened up the door. Jack was leaning out the window yelling at me to get moving. Rolling my eyes I jumped in his truck.

"That's how you great your dates? Pf that explains it" I smirked at Jack when I saw him roll his eyes.

"Only you May. Only you" he sent me a wink making me do a small blush. Turning to face my window I tried to hid my face from Jack's eyes.



"Here we are" Jack smiled at the small tavern in front of us.

It was almost in the middle the woods and covered with barn wood. Part of me want to laugh and ask if this was a joke. A bar. For me and Jack's first date we where going to a bar. Jack got out if his truck and I followed suit. I was speechless and not in a good way. I'm not picky trust me but a bar? Really?

"Come on" Jack tugged at my hand before he swung open the traven's doors. I followed in behind glancing around the bar.

To my surprise no one was drunk and there was actually a big number if people. The bar walls where also covered in barn wood. Women scattered the bar along with men. Most I recognized from the different rodeos I went to. I smiled when I spotted an older woman that my mother knew at one point. Molly.

"Molly!" I broke off from Jack and walked over to Molly. She turned around with a beer in her hand. Her small frame started to show her age. She had black hair that reached down to her waist with a few stray gray hairs.

"Hey May. Uh look at you! All grown up and beautiful" Molly pulled me into a tight hug. I separated from her smiling.

"How are you?" I asked. Jack had made it to my side because I felt my hand being taken in another.

"Good good. Yeah I got my son to finally settle down. He got married last week. He's happy now" Molly's smile light up her face. It was very clear she was excited for her son. She looked away from me and over to Jack. Her small black eyebrow raised up.

"And you are?" She questioned Jack.

"Oh I'm Jack. Uh May's boyfriend?" It came out as a question which made both me and Molly giggle.

"Nice meeting you Jack. May are you going to sing?" Again Molly's face light up with joy as the attention turned back to me.

"You sing?" Jack looked at me shocked. I looked at him and then back at Molly.

"Oh no no I don't..."

"Oh yes you do. May use to sing like a new born angel. Such a talent she has. You have to sing!" Molly grabbed my hands and smiling that smile that was hard to say no to.

"Molly I don't....I stopped" I admitted. Molly shook her head.

"I'll sing with you. Come on it'll be like old times" Molly swung my arms in hope.

When I was younger like early teen years my parents where still doing rodeo while I was doing high school rodeo. Molly got in a really bad accident before I met her so she stopped barrel racing but I'll rode. But the accident didn't damage her vocal cords. Molly was an amazing singer so she started to sing at rodeos. Then one time I made the mistake of singing to loud back at my trailer and Molly heard me. After that we started to sing the national anthem as a duet. After a while I started to back out when I started to do the rodeos myself. After a while I just stopped singing in front of people all together.

"She will" Jack elbowed my shoulder. I glared at him slightly before Molly let out a small squeal.

"Uh it's going to be amazing!" With that Molly grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Jack. I heard him chuckle. I turned around and sent him one more glare before Molly pulled me to a karaoke book.

"Pick a sing my dear" she shoved the book in front of me. I smiled at her sheepishly. I scanned the pages looking for the perfect song for me and Molly. Molly could hit every high note out there but me on the other hand... Well let's just say I'm not a super super high note person.

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