Chapter Thirty Five

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Months had flied by after my date with Jack. From that kiss on I guess you could call us a couple. We'd kiss when it felt right, held hands around town, and went on several more dates after our officially first date.

It was nice to have Jack as mine. I never really looked for a relationship but after finally having a boyfriend (how weird that sounds) in Jack I couldn't help but smile all the time.

The only downside with life that I could find was the rodeo circuit. Jack contuined with calf roping but I paused my career. Red Dawn was still my main source for life and happiness but my professional barrel racing career was barely even a career any more.

After handling Matt and Duke I found more clients coming to me. So many in fact that I had to push aside the shows to work at home. Yesterday I realized that indeed I had missed too many shows to even have a chance in the finals. So with that bit of information I quite the circuit at least for the year.

But even as I took the year off I couldn't help but be pleased with my decision. Sure barrel racing was my first love but being here helping clients was becoming my second love. A second love that I was slowly moving in the direction of.

My mom never said she was disappointed but part of me felt like I had let her down. Our family started in the rodeo and now I was done with the rodeo. But my dad had reassured me that the family ranch that I was slowly taking over was what he and my mom prided themselves on more then their buckles.

I walked over to the barn with Jas hot on my trail. Cupid played in the pasture next to the barn. His jet black little body raced across the pen while his mother,Brandy, stood in the center of his play greedily eating away at the grass. Just as I was about to enter the barn I heard a truck pull into the drive. Glancing over my shoulder I spotted a formier shitty Chevy.

Not able to hold in my excitement I let my legs take over. Hailing at a dead sprint I made it to the truck just in time as a male figure hops out. With no time to recoup I jump into his chest causing Jack to take a few steps back. A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest as he gave me a quick swing in the air.

Jack had been gone for two weeks now for some rodeos down in Texas. To say I missed him was understatement. I might sound clingy but I do think I had fallen for this boy and when he wasn't around nothing seemed bright and beautiful.

"Oh May" Jack leaned in for a quick peek on the lips that ended up with both our hands tangled in each other's hair. A smile slipped onto my lips as I pulled away with a groan from Jack.

"I've missed you" Jack's voice was soothing to my ears as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I've missed you too" I let my nose take in his musty horse and leather smell. The only smell I'll ever love on any man.

Jack let me slip out of his embrace as he grabbed my hand and moved to the back of his truck where he grabbed his bag with his other hand.

"So how'd it go?" I pranced eagerly next to Jack as he sent me an easy going smile.

"Good but would've been better if my girl was there" I paused slightly as I let the sadness creep into my chest.

I wasn't a fan of letting my barrel racing career go to the wind but I had a life. Barrel racing could only get you so far but even Red Dawn was getting tired of the life style. Trailer up to one place unhook for a day and then back on home you went. I knew most of the girls where happy with my decision to scratch out cause now they had a chance but still. As I set the rodeo circuit aside I set aside a piece of me that I've had forever.

There were still open shows everyone liked to remind me of but it wasn't the same. It wasn't running down the ally or the crowd screaming for you up in the stands.

Jack discovered my slight paused and turned to me with a raised eyebrow. He knew it hurt but did he really know how crushed I felt by making this adult decision? No of course not he was still in the rodeo. Jack still had that sliver of himself to live in.

"May I didn't..."

"It's fine Jack. Promise I'm fine" gritting my teeth I forced a believable smile onto my lips. Taking Jack's hands back in mine I pulled him back towards my house.

"You do know that I know you too well to know that fake smile right?" Jack's voice loomed over my shoulder as I stepped in the house with my back to my boyfriend.

"Wouldn't want it any other way" glancing over my shoulder I sent a true smile to Jack. Sitting down at the kitchen table Jack picked up a card.

"Cory's getting married?" Turning around from the coffee pot I let a dim smile touch my face.

"Yeah. In a couple weeks actually. I'm his Fiancé's bridesmaid" I poured two cups of coffee before heading to the table.

"Well that's great" Jack smiled brightly at me knowing that I was probably not too pleased with this whole wedding idea.

"Well I guess we'll see about that. But in the meantime..." Scooting behind Jack I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind.

"Will you be willing to be my date? Cory said you could come and be one of his men that stand beside him or something like that" resting my chin on Jack's shoulder I heard him chuckle.

"Knowing you I'll have to go just to keep you from saying something nasty to you're aunt" nodding my head I pulled away so I could stand at his side.

"I'll be on my best behavior but yes. I would love for you to join us"

"I already agreed May. No need to try to sweet talk me anymore" Jack pushed up out of his chair as he came around to my side.

"I love you" Jack's voice becoming tender and loving as he placed a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth.

Oh yeah, I missed this boy.

Love in rodeoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon