chapter sixteen

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I smiled up at Jack as he took my hands in his. The moonlight flashing beautiful light on his high cheek bones along with it playing in his eyes. The light dancing in his eyes like little fairies on my front porch.

"I had fun tonight" Jack smiled down at me. My smile widening.

"Me too" shyness lacing my voice. I wasn't a shy person hell. I was anything but shy intill it came to dates.

"I know I've said this already but you do have an amazing voice" I blushed slightly glancing down at our hands. Oh look there's a moth on my front step!

"Are you blushing?" Jack let go of one of my hands bringing my face up to meet his with one finger. My face heating up slightly more.

"" I shutered. Cursing in my kind. Yeah becouse shuttering doesn't give it away. Jack chuckled problem loving the idea of me being goofy or silly.

"No need to be embarrassed May. There's nothing that can scare me away" his finger still rested under my chin while his other hand had ahold of my right hand. My body paused. My breathing slowed down my eyes locked on Jack's and my body was unmoveable. Even now I don't think a simi  truck could pull me away.

"I wouldn't be too sure on that Jack" my brain finally working with my mouth. He shook his head.

"I might scare you away though" he inched closer to me. Our faces now centermeters apart. I smirked.

"Doubtful" finding my courage I closed the gape between us.

At first Jack acted shocked I even made the move. But soon enough just like a normal guy he took the lead. His one hand that rested below my chin now on my cheek while he still held my hand. And just as quickly as I made the move I broke the kiss.

Losing my breath not from no air between us but from the tingles that sent through my body after every kiss Jack has given me. Even the one at the bar where it was just my head. Jack had locked his eyes on mine again. Everything was changing for the better. Everything.

"Night" I squeezed Jack's hand slightly before letting it go. His dazed face watched me as I opened my door and slowly shut it. My eyes never leaving his intill the door was fully locked.

A smile as big as America it's self crossed my face. I turned my back against the wall. Letting out a huge sigh I slid down the wooden door intill my butt met the cold wooden floor.

"How was the date dear?" My mom poked her head through the kitchen. A slight smile on her face as she watched me. My smile impossibly growing bigger. I had only one word for her.


Jack's piont of veiw:

After she shut the door on me I stood there. My mind completely blank except for one thing only. Her lips. They way she could lose her courage so quickly around me and then gain it back just as quick blew me away.

When I finally relized I was probably looking funny on her front porch just starring at the door I turned back to my truck. When I got in I didn't start it right away. I leaned back in my seat glancing back at her front porch. Shitty Chevy. I glanced around my truck laughing slightly at her words.

A huge sigh left my body before I set the keys in the ignition. As strange as it sounds I didn't want to leave. I didn't want this night to end. An almost perfect night with the perfect girl.

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