I Do Want to Come and See You

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The first day in a new school is harder than I imagined. I am disoriented in the break time, and I have no idea which classroom should I go in the next 5 minutes. The noises in the hallway beams to me from every angle. The slashing on the locker, voices of strangers, running steps, and the unbearable light from people making out on the hallway, I feel like this is not a place where I can handle it myself. I open my own locker and snatch out the textbooks I need for the next class and the map of the campus and rush to the stairs. I take a cursory glance of my phone and put it back to my pocket because, firstly, I don't have time to stare at it, and secondly I'll bump into people if I continue to stare at it, lastly, because I'm going to be late!
"Excuse me!" I yell as I knock to students coming down from the second floor. "Excuse me. Sorry." I say trying to go against the crowd. My breathe quickens and the grip on my backpack and books tightens from nervousness and panic.
"Watch out! Girl!" Someone speaks with annoyance when I crash into him. "I'm sorry. I'm new to the school." I try to defense myself. I do not dare to look up at him. He is tall and fit. Not like Yuzu fit, but like muscular fit. "Be careful next time, girl." His voice frowns. It does frowns. "Sorry." I whisper under my shrinking shoulder.
Up the stairs, inhale and exhale, up the stairs, to the second floor. Finally, after feeling like having tons of bruises on my shoulder and forehead, I take a right turn and open the door. DING! The bell ran off. Pheww, I'm just on time.
"Meg? I assume?" The tall Canadian blonde teacher with blue eyes behind his glasses asks me.
It takes me a while to regain my breathe and answer his question. "Yes. I'm Meg. The new girl." I swallow my saliva and take a deep breathe again after having a "run" in the stairways.
"Please take a seat." He orders.
My eyes drift in the classroom until I see a empty seat and I head toward it. The seat is on the 2nd row of the seat and right in front of the black board. I hang my backpack on the hook on the left side of the desk and tie my flimsy, messy hair( probably resulted from all the bumping) into a clean pony tail. My curious eyes ambles in the classroom. There are piles of books and novels on the teacher's front desks. Notebooks, Newspapers, handwritings of the rules of this classroom, and many many many scrape paper all over the wall of the classroom. I wonder what they are for. I focus back to myself. The textbooks lay peacefully on the desk and I sit up straight. Ready.

"Very well, welcome to the first class of Literature this semester." The teacher started. "I'm Joe Robins. This semester we will be learning the most inspiring stories and analyze the meanings behind every stories." Joe paces peripatetically while he speaks to the whole class.
"Rule number one for this classroom: Be on time. I'm very impressed that Meg," I look up from the desk, worrying if I did something wrong. " our new student, did not get lost in the infamous labyrinth campus." Joe continues. A big stone was let down from my chest.
As he goes on and on about the rules and the expectation he got for this advance class to be successful and every single one of us can be erudite and savvy in the future, the girl next to be whispers at me. "Hey," the girl with brownish curly hair and shining eyes hisses at me. I did not dare to speak a word because I'm really close Mr. Robins. But my eyes meet her secretness.
"I'm Ciel. Nice to meet you." She winks.
"Meg." I smile.
"If you need any help, I'll be there."
"That's very nice. Thank you."
Truly, having a person who can walk in the hallway without getting bumped beside me feels like swimming in the coolest and lightest blue ocean.
"Please turn to page 369, we'll be reading "The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant" today." Mr. Robins says with his around 60 years old voice. "Before starting going into to story itself, I want all of you to think about one thing. Have you ever have a crush, any kind, can be a secret admiration or a summer fling before."
Instantly, Yuzu's name pop up in my mind. Yuzu is my first crush and only one.
"If you don't, it's fine. Keep finding and one day you'll find one." Mr. Robins continues. "I have many but I still haven't find one that last for the rest of my life." He says in a rather joyful voice than a sad one. The class broke into a flash of laughters.
"This story is about a summer fling that the narrator has when he was having his vacation at a cottage next to the river. He has a crush on the girl called Sheila Mant, but in the end, he found out that she is just a person with good looks."
"It is natural for teenagers like you all to like another person. It's part of growing up. Although having experience is important but lets not be considered as a vase. Beautiful or Handsome on the outside but empty and void in the inside."
A vase. The noun lingers in my mind even after the lesson.

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