Chapter 14 I am the trouble

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It begins to feel weird when I found out there is another me inside a few days ago. Hana went away too quickly before I could ask him which part of me he is. Plus, why did he just went off suddenly without any precautions?

The sun shines in my room and I know it's about time for me to take internet courses. I crawl out from a pile of pooh while turns on my computer. Then I enter the Waseda page. My heart whirls out a wave of warmth and sweetness. I just met Megumi the last time I have connection with Waseda.

Today is the last day I stay in Japan after a series of ice shows. Then I will spend a long time in Toronto to do my new programs and practice the quad jumps.

The phones buzzes, which means a new message. It's from Meg.

"Can you FaceTime right now?" She said.

There are still 30 minutes before I usually take my courses.

"No problem."

"Hey, are you alright?" I asks.

"Better right now." She sobs.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, but I just want to see your face and talk to you before class time."

"There must be something that causes you to cry."

Megumi has red cheeks and dark red lips when she is crying. Like literally crying.

"No, but it hurts my heart." She says. "But your face makes happy." She grins.
Megumi wipes out her tears and I hear somebody taking to meg.

"Meg, are you fine?" Somebody asks

"Yeah, I am trying to calm down. Please tell the teacher that I will be back to the class after I feels better."

"Ok, tell me if you need any help."

"Thanks." Meg says.

"Was that your classmate?" I pointed out.

"Yeah. I just ran out of the classroom so they must be shocked."

"Meg, just tell me."

"Yuzu, it's really nothing and I feel better right now."

I blush when she calls me yuzu even if all my friends call me that.

"Meg." I demand.

There you are Yuzuru, that's when I came out. A voice says.

"Fine." She says.

"Somebody knows our secret friendship and he doubts about my admiration."

I could hear that Meg is trying to hold back something.

"I thought we were like special friendship." I look away from my camera.

There is no sound.

"Meg?" I say.

"Like what kind of special friendship." She asks slowly.

"Don't you ...." I stop, suddenly realize that it will be super embarrassing. ""

"I do! I do!" She yells.

We both keep silence for a while but I suddenly find a question.

"And about that, Meg, I want to ask to something and I probably need your help."

She nods. "I will do anything to help you." She says urgently.

I laughs."haha. Thanks."

I told her that my message a few days ago was kind of a mind deep inside my mind. That there seems to be a hidden me inside my mind that controls me when I don't notice.
Meg listens carefully and analyzes problem for me.

"Sometimes, I just wish you can be yourself and not the way the public wants you to be." She concluded.

"In other words, you suppress your own voice." She explains. "You hold back to be how you feel the most comfortable way. As a result, the one who appeared last night in your dreams might be the real form you yourself want to be."

I am amazed. She knows me better than I know myself!

"But he sounds so different from me." I question.

"Sometimes it's how the way works, I don't know either." She shrugs.

"But now you know that I might be absolutely different from who I usually do." I say.

She giggles when I warn her.

"Actually, I like the way how you being yourself to talk to me."

"Really? Why?"

"Because I like you to being sadistic and the way you talk when you demands me." She blushes.

I blush as well.

"Thank you." I say, covering my mouth.

"Your welcome" she looks down.

"Oh, and the blowing kiss, that was incredibly sadistic. I love it." She starts softly.

"Perhaps the man inside me did that."

"That was even greater." She smiles.

"Hope you feel better." I say.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Thank you again, Yuzu." Her lips forming a curve.

"Any gift? I gave you one. Will I have one?"

Different from the crying cheeks, Meg's cheeks are pinky and seems... Hot.

"I was just joking." I say.

Just when I am going to end the conversation with some lame ending, Megumi stares at me.

"I will give it to you later." Then she hangs off.

I was just joking I thought. The edge of my lips lifts and she just made my day.

The gift comes later, with a rose on her lips, she puts her hair down, she sends me her selfie. Megumi looks absolutely different from the one I know. She is still pretty but the mood is different. Especially the rose fits with her red lips. And in the same time emphasis the love. Usually, she will blush like a peach I guess. Yet, she is strong, tough, brave in the photo. I just can't believe who would judge her to make so angry.

But; I am the one who starts the problem.

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