7: Holding Hands

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H A R R Y: The single most terrifying thing to Harry was that he was putting you in some kind of danger. So sometimes he would just randomly grab your hand just to make sure that you were safe. 

R O N: For Ron, it was just a habit. He always held your hand just because he liked being close to you. Now, he just absentmindedly held your hand.

D R A C O: Everyone has a safety net. For Draco, it was you. He needed to be close to you in order to feel content. You would smile at him to let him know that you'd always be there for him.

F R E D: Fred liked to hold your hand to show you off to other guys. He loved you and he wanted everyone to see what a beautiful girl he had managed to convince to love him.

G E O R G E: Once that George found out that you loved it when he held your hand, he would do it all the time just to watch a smile creep onto your lips. Making you happy was his main goal in life.

N E V I L L E: He was so insecure. Neville was always convinced that one day you were going to wake up and realize just what a joke he was. Of course, you always assured him that that wasn't the case. He would hold your hand sometimes just to make sure that you were there. You would squeeze his hand and say, "I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

O L I V E R: Holding your hand was Oliver's way of telling other guys to leave you alone. You were sweet, pretty, smart, basically anything a girl could ask to be. Oliver held your hand to let the boys at Hogwarts know that you were his girl.

(A/N: Sorry that Neville's was longer than everyone else's. It's a just a short preference so I'll make a longer one next. Thanks for reading!)

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