Actions speak louder

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I decided to make a twitter account, since I was Liam's unofficial daughter. Well, he hadn't signed the adoption papers yet, so I wasn't officially a Payne. So I kept it as Clark. @JessicaClark Taken. @JessClark Taken. @JessicaClark_x Accepted. Yay, I thought in my head. I put my profile picture as a picture of me and the boys when we went to Nandos. And I decided to write my first tweet. 'Hey, I'm Jessica and I'm 17 years old! I'm Liam's to-be daughter, so yeah, follow me! xxxxx' I wrote and posted it. No follows. "Hey Jess, shall I mention you on twitter?" Liam asked whilst walking into the room. I nodded and he posted something. 1000 follows already. Woah. "Liam, you've got super powers!" I told him.

My followers just kept on going up and up! I was so excited. "I'm going on a date with Danielle tonight." "And I'm going on a date with Perrie tonight." "I'm going on a date with Eleanor tonight." "Well, me going Nandos with Josh and some of me Irish mates." Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall said in a row. "So you're going to be alone with Harry, is that okay?" Liam asked. I nodded and they went to get changed.

"Bye, we're going!" Liam said. "And, Harry, no funny business!" Liam scolded. I got my phone out and texted the girls on a group chat 'Me and Harry are alone tonight.. Good or bad?!' I sat on the sofa and was just chilling. I checked my phone and there was like 50 new messages! All from the girls. 'It's a good thing! Don't make a move, let him!' 'Oh my god! Ahhh this is so exciting!' 'LET HIM MAKE A MOVE!!' and so on.


I don't know how to tell Jessica I like her. She's so beautiful. I need to ask her on a date, but what if she says no?! I've got a perfect opportunity and i'm not going to blow it! "Umm, Jess," I started. "Would y-you like t-to go out sometime?" I asked. She stared at me for like 5 minutes in astonishment.

"What, like on a date?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah, kinda." I replied.

"Tonight?" she asked.

"If you want." I said.

"I want." she replied with a smile on her face.


I went to my room and quickly texted the girls. 'omg, he asked me on a date! I said yes, we're going tonight. aahh! What do I do? What do I wear?! omgggg' I excitedly-nervously texted. I rapidly got two messages back. 'Oh my god! Wear something attractive, but not enough to show your body!' 'Aww, but just a word of advice, he's kind of a player, so make sure you really love him, I don't want to see your heart broken!'

I wore a knee high blue dress with wedged sandy coloured heels. I straightened my hair and applied abit of makeup. I went out and Harry was sitting, bored on the sofa. "Sorry, to keep you waiting." I apologised and he immediately turned to me. "You look, wow.." he said dumbfounded, almost drooling. "Haha, thank you!" I laughed and we walked to the door.

We drove to a fancy restaurant in London called 'Restaurant La Plaza' and we walked in. It was beautiful. "Table for two." Harry ordered the waiter and she took us to a table, for two. Harry was being such a gentlemen. Awwwww! We ate and talked and laughed throughout the evening and it was really fun. He was great company! We got into the car and I said "Thank you, for all of this. I never expected such a fancy restaurant." I thanked.

We gazed into eachothers eyes for a while and I knew where this was going. We slowly moved towards eachother and had a long kiss. "Wow, you're a great kisser, Jess!" Harry said in surprise. "Haha, thanks, you too!" I laughed and we reached home.

"Oh." my eyes widened as I saw the boys sitting on the sofa. I was lost for words. "So, why are you home so late then?" Liam asked parently. (I know it's not a word but who cares? it means parent-ish kinda thing!) "Umm, out." I replied.

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