Chapter 33

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Malarie's POV

The sun shines brightly in the cloudless blue sky, the wind not too blustery, but a cool, gentle breeze tickling my skin. Children running around happily and freely, with their parents chasing after them not too far being. The sound of several rides being occupied by people, makes a uproarious sound around me. The smell of cotton candy wafting throughout the air, with a hint of churro lingering around as well. The way they rhythmically turn inside the churro warmer, is almost like a hypnosis to me. They're also yummy too, though I'm liking the cotton candy a tad bit more. This all sums up the atmosphere of being here at Legoland. A place that's not better than Disneyland, but a child wouldn't mind coming here to have a good time.

"Mmma." I gasp at Jasper kind of saying my name, though not really. Babies don't really know meaning of names, although it's nice to hear it come out of his mouth. "Say it again, JJ." I hold is bottle in his mouth, smiling down at Ariel Rose, sleeping.

"Malarie, Malarie, that roller coaster was so much fun! Dad kept singing about it." Joel's voice rings out into my ears, with him running up to me happily. "Was it?" He nods happily, taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah it was! Me, Natasha, and Jacob kept screaming, because we were scared. But dad kept saying, roller coaster, roller coaster, spinning around something. I can't remember what he said." I giggle at his enthusiasm, wiping the side of his mouth.

I can tell he has been eating chocolate of some sort. I know Jason gave it to him. Earlier I had warned him, and the children of not eating, or consuming anything except water before they go on a ride. I also told them about what happened to Jase last time we had went to an amusement park. I'm sure everyone remembers that day; he threw up everything he ingested, all over me and himself. The kids and Jase of course laughed, but I didn't, it's not funny. It's physically impossible for me to help four people who're vomiting, all at once. Little brats didn't even care to listen to the rest of my lecture, they just took off with Jason. He's such a dork for his children. Although he's a dork for me too, because he ran back to me, giving me a sweet kiss on my lips. My Mr. whipped.

"Mama!" Jakey runs over to me as well, with Tasha and Jason following behind. "Yes, sweetheart." I answer him, seeing how he puts his shoe in my lap.

"Can you tie my shoes, please." He says so very politely, immediately making me nod my head, and beginning to tie his shoe. "Dad sing the song, let mom here it." Tash practically begs for Jason to do so, with him taking a seat next to me.

"What is this roller coaster song I'm hearing about?" I finish tying up both of Jacob's shoes, turning my attention to Jason gently rubbing Ariel's foot. "It's nothing really, I was just trying to make them laugh, instead of being scared of a small roller coaster." He shrugs like its nothing, but I want to hear this song.

"Sing it." Tapping his thigh twice, I smile up at him. "Meh." He pokes out his blew tongue, meaning he was eating candy before or during the ride.

"You little liar, you said you weren't going to eat anything on the rides." He widens his eyes, looking to the kids, snapping his fingers. They quickly cover their mouths too, shaking their heads in refusal. "See we weren't eating any type of food on the rides." He holds Joel on his lap, resting his chin on his head.

"Yeah mama, we were eating blue cotton candy on the roller coasters." Jacob spills the beans, causing Jase, Tasha, and Joel to groan. "Look what you did big mouth, now we're in trouble." Tash points to Jake, with Joel nodding his head.

"Oh calm down, I'm not mad. I just don't want you all to get sick," I look to the four pairs of eyeballs looking sadly at me, with me chuckling at Jason's overly sad looking face. "I'm serious, I'm not mad. But I do want you to sing that song you made up." Poking his chubby cheek, I wait for him to begin his singing.

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