Chapter 42

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Jason's POV

Rehearsals are so long, so boring, so full of small minded idiots. It's like a dummy run for people who can't grasp concept the first time. Who would've thought there would be lots to know for a damn wedding ceremony? I sure in the hell didn't know. You have to rehearse the recessional part of the wedding, then the processional part, the seating, the way we enter, how we say our vows, even how we stand in front of each other. What the hell? It's just a bunch of meaningless extra stuff to me. Although, I'm sure it means the most to my Baby Boo. Mal has worn nothing but an excited smile on her face, these past couple of days we've been going to practice.

It's all so tiring to me, and I'm sure she knows it is. She's always so worried about me being comfortable, tired, or if I just need to take a break. I usually go for them, taking a much needed breather outside of the church. I know she absolutely hates when I smoke, but I usually go for a cigarette anyway. When I'm getting to the good part of my smoke, that's when she usually comes outside, taking the cancer stick out of my hand, and throwing it to the ground. I get so mad, but she always manages to bring the kids and asthma into our discussion. That's shuts me up quickly. I also go for a kiss, though she refuses me, not liking my cigarette taste on her tongue. I never argue about the refusal of a kiss after I smoke a cigarette, seeing that I put myself in that position to be turned down. I want to stop... it's hard, though.

"This is the part where you say what you have to say to your lovely bride," I hear Mal's Pastor, say in the distance, thinking about the huge surprise I can't wait to show her on our honeymoon. "I said this is the part you say all what you have to say to your bride to be, Jason." Oh, he's talking to me. I quickly turn my head in the direction of the Pastor, oblivious as to what we're doing right now.

He doesn't look too happy; I'm pretty sure it has to do with me lacking all types of focus today. I'm just not in to this whole practicing to be perfect... for one day. I mean, I know it's a special day for my Mal Mal, and I would never ever try to be selfish and ruin it for her. But jeez, no one's perfect. No one will ever be perfect- and if they are, they're fake. If it was up to me, I would've just taken us down to Las Vegas to get married. True fact: I was going to take us down to Vegas to get married. But, she wasn't legal yet, and she already had lots of bruises over her body. Man, I feel disgusting knowing I was going to take her in the backseat of the car... with my brother and Ryan there to witness. I was- am, fucked up. Shit, I'm cursing in church.

"Jason, Jason McCann, please pay attention, young sir," Shut up. I hear the Pastor's voice once again, causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance. "If you're going to be here asking for some assistance in the formality of your wedding day, I suggest you pay attention. I don't have to help you out, but I am, because I want you both to have a wonderfully, smooth going wedding day." He speaks deeply with such properness.

To be completely honest I don't see why we can't just wing it, and just show up to our wedding like its nothing. At least it'll look real, instead of looking rehearsed and fake. But no, this Pastor wants us to come here twice a week to practice. Even my Unicorn- Mal, wants us to come here to practice. Whatever she so much desires for our wedding day, I'll be willing to go along with it. Mal, our children, food, and my thoughts about her are the only things that have kept me somewhat engaged... in a way. 

"I understand, I'll try not to take my mind off of things." I say this, although I'm not making any promises I cannot keep. "Are you alright, babe?" Mal being such the great person she is, she squeezes my hand, making me realize we've been holding hands this entire time.

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