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I was out with my parents and Chris trying to find them a house. Everything I show them is a problem so Chris had his realtor look for a house for them.

"Ma, dad if y'all don't like this house then I don't know what to tell y'all." I said.

"I want something like your house." My mom said.

Chris just looked at me. He really wants me to give up my house and move in with him. I've been thinking about it because running back and forth is tiresome.

"Well you might be able to get something like my house."

"How?" She asked.

"Well I've been thinking about giving you guys my house."

"Wow." My dad said.

"But you worked so hard for that house." My momma said.

"I know but I'm never there anymore."

"I feel so bad, we basically took over your house." My mom said.

"It's okay. I'll just stay with Chris until I find another place."

He looked at me like wanted to go off.

"So Chris, are they're wedding bells or grand babies coming anytime soon?" My dad asked.

"Ummmm, maybe." Chris said.

"You don't sound so sure." My dad responded.

"We've talked about a baby, I want a son. Sabrina's making me wait a year though."

"Why? you're not getting any younger Sabrina!" My mom said.

"Ma I just turned 27, I'll be fine."

"And what about marriage?" My dad asked.

"Yeah um, one day it'll happen." Chris answered.

"You sound more excited about a baby then marriage son." My dad said

"Chris isn't a fan of marriage dad."

"Whaaaaat?! Why not?" My mom asked.

"I don't know. It's just not something that I've always wanted. Lately I've been having a change of heart but I'm still on the fence about it." He said.

"Marriage is beautiful if you're getting married for the right reasons. You have your best friend by your side for the rest of your life. It's amazing. You'll have your ups and downs and you'll have the moments when you think you want to throw in the towel but then you think back on the love and the happy times and it just makes everything alright. But if you feel like marriage is a waste of time, that's cool too." My dad said.

I took a deep breath.

"I've just always felt like marriage was nothing but a piece of paper. It's all about the wedding and the ring now days it's not even about love like it used to be when you guys got married. You've been married for 30 years and have been together for almost 40 and I think that is so dope! Sabrina believes in marriage because she had you two around. I'm against it because I saw what my mom went through. But lately I've been thinking about because of how much I really really love Sabrina and I don't want to lose her."

"Okay guys look we're at the house." I had to end this conversation.

We pulled up to this beautiful home in Calabasas. It was perfect for them.

Everybody got out the car. I tried to grab Chris's hand but he pulled away from me and walked ahead of us.

What is he mad at me for?

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