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Two Months Later.

It's been two months since that bitch had those big ass dudes beat my ass! My jaw was wired, a blood vessel burst in my eye and it was black and swollen, nose broke, two ribs broke, concussions, fractured bones, my wrist was broken from me trying to protect myself.

Im finally almost done healing.

I was really surprised to see Chris up at the hospital that day. I thought he came because he cared but he just came with hush money to keep her out of jail. I'm not gonna lie that 50,000 kept me quiet but she found out and had somebody take the money back

And that's where she fucked up.

Am I supposed to let her get away with what she did to me? HELL NO! I bet this bitch thinks she's so bad because of what she did. Well she ain't seen bad yet.

She ain't as cold hearted as she tries to act cause if she was she wouldn't have told them not to kill me.

Maybe she should've let them, cause I do plan on finishing this out.

I got something else for that bitch.

She just keeps ruining shit for me. I'm gonna get what I lost back plus more. JUST WATCH!

That bitch better watch her back!


I woke up to the sun shinning bright in my face. I rolled over to touch Sabrina but the spot next to me was empty. I heard the water running in the bathroom. I sat up and stretched and just looked at the beautiful view outside our room.

After all the shit that done happened, I decided that we needed a fucking vacation. So we got our kids, our parents, everybody packed for like two weeks and we headed to Bora Bora.

I needed this!

I had to get out of crazy ass LA! I mainly had to get Sabrina outta LA before she hurt somebody else.

One day we were out shopping and ran into Crystal's sister India. Maybe Sabrina looks nice on the outside and people think that they can try her but we all know that she's far from that. And you would think they'd be smarter after they saw Crystal.

She saw Sabrina from across the store and tried to throw shit thinking Sabrina wouldn't notice. One minute I had Sabrina's hand and the next she was jumping over shit trying to grab India. Thankfully I'm faster than her so I caught and my bodyguards was able to get her out the store. Once she told India she was next I had get her out of the city.

And another reason why I decided to take her on a vacation was because I was finally around when forgot something and once again it was the kids names but this time it was only Aden's. I just watched her struggle trying to figure it out. I had realized she forgot when she kept calling him the baby instead of his name and when I asked her what it was she just cried. That shit broke my heart.

I wonder how long she gotta deal with this.

Just hope it don't get worse.

On the upside our relationship has been better. I've been doing all I can to keep her happy and it's been paying off. She's been talking about us possibly moving back in together. I know we got a long way to go but I'm willing to ride for however long.

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