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I was on my way to see my OBGYN. She wanted to double check everything that the doctor from New York told her before my surgery next week.

I was by myself today. Chris had a few things to do. I really wish he was with me though.

I'll just be happy when everything is all over. I'm tired of hearing bad news. All that's happening just makes me want to run far away where no one can find me. Me, my kids and Chris! My parents can know where I'm at but that can't come with me lol.

I've been so stressed about these results I can barely eat or sleep. Whatever I eat it comes back up, when I try to sleep it feels like somebody is holding my eyes open. It's terrible.

In a few days I'll know everything. I want to hurry up and come but then again I don't. As you can I'm still torn about everything.

I pulled up to my doctors office and headed in. I went straight to the back and changed and waited on my OBGYN. I love her. She's been my doctor ever since I moved to LA. She's really like a second mother.

I was texting Chris, while I waited for her to come in. I've been trying to get Chris to relax as well. I think he's stressing just as much as I am.

There's was a knock on the door then my doctor came in.

Why don't doctors wait until you give them permission to come in? They just knock and walk in. I could've been in here taking nude selfies for Chris and she just barged in.


"Hello Sabrina." She said.

"Hey Dr. Ryan."

"How are you?"

"Okay, I guess."

"So you are in the hospital in New York and you were rushed to the ER because of sharp pains, cramps and vomiting and they gave you a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Correct?"


"Did the doctor give you an ultrasound or anything? Or he just diagnosed you with an ectopic pregnancy."

"No ultrasound, he just said the baby was in my ectopic tube and it most likely won't survive and I should schedule my surgery immediately."

"Okay, well I am going to give you an ultrasound, from your lower belly and vaginally, I wanna see what going on before we push this surgery through. Lay back for me."

I laid back. She got up, turned on the ultrasound machine and cut off the lights.

She rolled down the little paper thing they give you to cover up.

"You know this is a little cold." She said while squeezing the gel on my stomach. "Okay let's see what we have here."

She moved the stick around and then a strong heart beat just popped up.

I wanted to cry. This is the first and last time I'll hear that and it's so strong.

"Hmm." My doctor said.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"What was this doctors name again?"

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