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I wasn't going to put this out yet but I made a mistake and hit publish... I tried to take it down before anybody saw it but I guess I move too slow lol... So here you go!!!


3 Weeks Later.

I laid in bed with my RayRay lying next to me. I've been working hard lately on getting my clothing line together. I miss working, I miss the hospital. I just don't feel like myself lately.

I've never been the girl to depend on anybody because I've been shown numerous of times that people will leave you hanging! So I have to get back on my A-game. Especially since things are so rocky with Chris right now. Nobody knows how things could end up with us so I have to have my own back.

But anyway

Back to my clothing line. Now I want to do something different. Every boutique or store you see they all sell the same shit. Bomber jackets, jumpsuits and rompers, a bunch of cheap shit. I decided to open a line for something close and dear to me.


I hated those box shaped uniforms, I hated when somebody's uniform was to big and I most definitely hated when someone's uniform was too small! A lot of these hospitals are strict on the uniforms nurses have to wear. Especially if your not a vet in the game meaning your just an MA or CNA they don't want you to shine. Well I want my girls and guys to shine! Because before I was a registered nurse I was a CNA, then a MA, after that an LPN and I stopped at an RN but if my life would've went a different route I most definitely would be working on being a PA.

Sometimes I wish my life would've went a little differently. I had to sacrifice a lot of shit because of who I'm connected to.

Some people knew that I was Chris's best friend and they would stop me and ask a million questions about him but once I became his girlfriend things turned for the worst. Some people didn't want me to help them because I was with him. Even a few of the younger nurses didn't like me because of that.

I miss working period but I love being able to spend all the time I can with my Princess.

I'm gonna make this nurse line work! It's going to be amazing.

Oh and I can't forget about my pregnant nurses! They always complained about how tight the uniforms used to be around their stomachs. I gotta get them together.

Anyway....I sat on the computer looking at sketches that the designer Chris hired sent me. It was so hard to pick prints because he did such an amazing job!

I had a deadline too. I had to get some designs to the people I partnered with in 90 days or I can kiss this all goodbye.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Chris walking in my room with food.

"You could've called." I said.


He picked up Reign and her little body squirmed. He always messes with her while she's sleep and then when she's up all night crying he plays deaf.

"Don't wake her up! She should be out for the night."

"Nope I want her to wake up and play with daddy."

"Chris For real don't wake her up."

"Alright cry baby." He walked over to me, grabbed my chin and kissed me. "What you doing?" He asked.

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