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3 days later.

I sat on the hospital bed waiting for Chris to come back up here and grab the baby.

I can't believe I'm a mommy and this little angel is all mine.

I watched this little tiny human, sleep peacefully in my arms. I would lean down and kiss her tiny nose and her face would just ball up lol. I guess she doesn't like to be bothered while she's sleeping.

She gets that from me.

Chris came walking through the door.

"Okay baby you ready?"

"Yes I am! Feel like I've been in this hospital for months."

He pulled her out my arms.

"Hey Reign...hey daddy's little girl." He kissed her cheek.

Reign Brown...7lbs 9oz. It was like she slid right out. My labor went so fast. I cried so hard once she was finally in my arms. She has my eyes, Chris's nose and ears of course. She's perfect.

Chris wanted her name to be close to Royalty. I couldn't think of anything but Reign because it has to do with royalty so there you go.

"Alright baby lets get you home." He said while slipping her into her car seat.

"It feels weird not being pregnant anymore. I'm so ready to be skinny again." I said while walking to the door.

"Baby I'm not even gone hold you up, yo ass is big as hell."

Why would he say that? He knows how much I want a big Booty!

"Is it baby?! How big like, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, or K. Michelle? Or is it like Beyoncé's when she was real thick?"

He started laughing.

"I shouldn't had said shit."

"What about Trina? She's naturally thick and we both got thick thighs." I was in the mirror really trying to see. "This is so exciting! I've never had a big booty before."

"Man lets go!"


We walked out the room.

Since I have a big booty I gotta start walking like I got a big booty.

"Sabrina, why the fuck you walking like you got a broken hip or something?"

"This how bitches with big asses walk."

"Alright, I lied! Yo ass still flat as a board."

"You know what? You is such a hater! I swear you are."

He pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead.

"I was just tryna make you feel good. I'm nervous to see what you'll be like if yo ass really did grow."

"Just wait! I'm about to get a little something! Ask Tyga to ask Kylie who did her ass and hips."

"How you know she got her ass and hips done?"

"Honey you dont go from being shaped like a stick to being built like a hour glass, it was some nipping and tucking."

"You don't need no surgery baby."

"Just like two shots in each cheek. I've already talked to like the best plastic surgeon in California. He said he'll do it so you won't even notice. But I have to warn you it Won't be soft for a while unless I get a fat transfer."

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