Chapter Nineteen: 50 Years Old

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Clary frowned at the candle stuck in the middle of her cake, "What's the matter grandma?" Five year old Spencer asked.

Magnus leaned in between them, "She might be having a hard time reading it Spencer," He looked at Clary, "It says over the hill, printed on a gravestone candle."

"I can read it," Clary said, "Thanks."

"Then what is the matter grandma?" Three year old Wally asked

Clary looked at Jace who was handing out plates to everyone. "My husband thought this was funny."

"Mom," Twenty-one year old Amanda said, "Just cut the cake, the wind is going to blow all our plates away."

"We wouldn't have to be outside," Clary said, "but we have so many children and grandchildren, the dining room can't fit us all."

Vance rolled his eyes, "You sound like you hate that we got married."

"I don't," Clary said, "I love you guys and I love Danny and Victoria and Wally and Spencer and now little Sofia."

"Don't forget Mackenzie and Lance with Maria and Gwen or Randall and Opal with Ozzie," Amanda said

"Or," Rafael said interrupting, "The love of my life, Lacey."

"Don't worry Aunt Clary," Max said plopping down beside Spencer, "I'll remain a serial dater for life."

"Okay," Jace said coming to the head of the table, "I have a plate, you have a plate, Amanda, Johanna, Vance have a plate, Danny and Victoria have a plate. Isabelle and Simon have a plate. Mackenzie, Lance, Randall, and Opal have a plate. Magnus, Max, Rafael, Lacey, and Alec have a plate. Wally, Spencer, Maria, Gwen, and Ozzie all have plates. Your mom and Luke have a plate, baby Sofia does not because she is baby."

"Uh huh," Clary said.

"So am I forgetting anyone?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Okay!" Clary said, "I'm going to cut the cake now."

"Finally," Magnus said.

So cake was cut and handed out. Everyone who could sat around the couple picnic tables Jace and Clary had gotten. Others sat on picnic blankets.

"You know," Jocelyn said as they ate, "I'd never thought I'd have this big of a family."

"I didn't either," Clary laughed, "All these kids when we started with seven."

"I love our family," Spencer said, "Grandma you are so cool. Great Gran you are cool too! Mommy tells me stories about you guys."

"Oh she does?" Clary said shooting a look at Johanna.

"Guilty as charged," Johanna said ruffling Spencer's hair.

"Grandpa and grandma on daddy's side aren't nearly as cool," Spencer said.

"Spence!" Danny laughed.

"Kids," Luke said, "They are so brutally honest."

Danny nodded, "Uh huh."

"Aw, but they are fun when they are this little," Clary said, "Then they grow up into grown ups who only show up because your invite to them had free cake written on it."

"Mom!" Johanna, Vance, and Amanda cried.

Jace laughed, "Your mom isn't wrong."

Johanna rolled her eyes, "I'll admit I did come for the free cake, but I also came for you two. And maybe Amanda."

"The middle child forgotten again," Vance said.

Amanda laughed, "You were always a weird kid."

Clary signed, "I love you three, even if you never stop insulting each other."

"It's more fun that way," Johanna said.

"Mommy?" Spencer asked, "Can I have more cake?"

"Son, I've think you've had more than enough cake," Danny said, "Go run around with Wally and your cousins."

Spencer got up from the table, "Fine! Come on guys."

All of the children old enough to play followed Spencer farther out into the yard. They started to play together, climbing on the swing set that Jace had recently repaired. The adults squeezed together at one table.

Clary smiled as she lifted baby Sofia from Vance's arm, "Hello baby girl!"

"See mom, you didn't even want to see us, you wanted to see the babies," Vance said.

"Babies are cute," Isabelle said, "and then they grow up," She shot a look at Mackenzie and Randall.

"Ouch," Mackenzie said.

"That's why you are immortal," Max said, "your parents love you forever."

Raphael rolled his eyes, "Max, we called you Blueberry for a long time, we can bring it back Mr. Immortal."

Max frowned at his brother.

"Okay children," Magnus said, "No need to fight, you are both beautiful."

Amanda laughed, "Okay, I feel the need for a subject change. Isn't it weird to sit here and talk, we used to be them," She nodded at the kids playing at the yard.

"You are still little," Vance said, "Only twenty-one! I mean Johanna is twenty-seven."

Victoria hit Vance on the arm, "Be nice to your sisters. One day we will be twenty-seven too."

Johanna laughed, "Thanks Victoria."


Simon smiled, "Even if our children still fight among each other, I'm just really glad we are all together for Clary's birthday."

"Aw," Clary said, "Thanks Simon."

"Mommy! Daddy! Look at me!" Spencer called from the swing set.

All the adults turned to see Spencer hanging upside top from the top bar of the swing set. Johanna sighed, "He's totally a Shadowhunter."

"Do not hurt yourself!" Danny called to Spencer.

"I want to do that!" Gwen said.

"I've got this Mackenzie," Lance said standing up.

Jace laughed, "It's funny how life repeats." He kissed Clary's cheek, "That was us once, yelling at our kids not to hurt themselves, now it's our kids."

"It's unreal," Clary agreed.

And so the party went on, Luke and Jocelyn loving on Clary, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, Alec, and Magnus laughing, their kids watching over their kids, and the grandkids running around.

Author's Note: The family tree is quickly getting out of hand. I've got another document where I keep track of kids and how old Clary was when they were born (since that is how I am keeping track of time.) Also Jocelyn is getting up in age, but she had Clary when she was 21 (based off the wiki) so 50+21 puts her at the age of 71.

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