Chapter 1

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" She's so fat and ugly"

"Look at her"

"She doesn't even have friends"

"No one is interested in her"

Those words won't leave my head as I run down the hallway. I just left class, because I couldn't stand to hear this anymore. I just want to go home in my bed and sleep forever. I never want to wake up again. Maybe all of this is just a nightmare. But it isn't.

I lean against the wall and try to hold back my tears but I can't. It's been too much... everyday for four years now. I slip down the wall and sit on the cold hard ground. The good thing is that I'm alone now, because everyone else has class. I just told my maths teacher that I have to go to the toilet. I can't do this anymore. It's unbearable for me.

My parents always try to help me but they just can't. They spoke with my teachers, with the parents from my classmates and they said I could go to a psychologiest. But I don't want to seem weak. Am I weak? Yeah, I am. It's getting worse every day and sometimes I just wish I was dead. I don't want to live this life anymore, I am so so tired. Is that thought wrong? I don't think so. I just live for my parents.. more for my mother. She's always here for me and try to do the best. I can't just leave her.

"Are you okay?" A voice suddenly interrupts my thoughts and I look up into bright green eyes and a head full of curly hairs. It's Harry. Shit. My hand goes automatically to my face to wipe back some tears. "Yeah...Yeah I'm good." I say, my voice surprisingly sounding much stronger than I am.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks again, I nod and stand up.

"Why do you even care?" I just have to ask him. He isn't one of those horrible bulliers but he always laughs at their jokes. Harry just shrugs his shoulders.

"Look, I don't care about you. No one does. But you're long away from class now and I'm sure our math teacher isn't happy about that." My throat begins to thicken and I just have to say something.

"YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE. WHY DO YOU ALL HATE ON ME? WHAT HAVE I DONE? LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL!" Woah. I'm surprised of my sudden outburst. I never did something like that. I never say something, because I think it's better to ignore all of their shit. They all want I'm feeling lost and done. This is their goal and they already reached it.

Harry looks a bit shocked but then he suddenly reaches out for my hand. "I... I am sorry... just... Forget it!" He let down my hand and goes back to class. What the hell was that?

Bullied (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now