Chapter 35

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Lucy's POV

"Are you nervous?" It's monday morning and my dad drives me to the psychiatry. "Oh my god yes I am!" I never was more nervous in my life than I am today. And I'm scared. I don't know what will happen there but I hope it will help me and everything will be alright in the end.

"I'm sure you will feel better soon." My dad smiles at me but I know that he will miss me. My phone buzzes and I look at the screen. It's a message from Harry.

Just wanted to tell you good luck. Love you a lot. H. xx

I already miss him. It makes me sad to be that far away from him. Unfortunately he's in school and can't come with me today. Harry said that he would have loved to come with me but I didn't want to. He already missed a lot of school days last week so he better goes to school today.

Thank you. I love you too. Already miss you. L. xx

If I just could turn back time. I wouldn't ever try to kill myself. Hell I wouldn't even start to harming myself. But maybe it's all good for a reason. I don't know if I would be together with Harry now. It's a new beginning and I will try everything to get better.

"We're here" My father announces and he stops infront of a huge building. It kind of reminds me of a hospital from the outside. Oh god.

My dad and I both get out of the car and my dad takes my suitcase. We both enter the huge building. A mittle-aged woman makes her way towards us as she sees us. She smiles at me.

"Hello. Can I help you?" She asks politely.

"Hello. This is my daughter Lucy. My wife and I signed her up last week." My father explains. The woman frowns but then her eyes widen.

"Oh yeah I remember. Hello Lucy, I'm Mrs. Long but you can call me Maria. I will show you everything and you can call me everytime if you need anything." She shakes my hand and I nod.

"Okay thank you." She really is nice and I'm sure I won't have any problems with her.

"Do you want any more minutes with your father or shall we start then? I will show you your room and you have to sign alot of paper." I don't think it makes any differnce if I will start now with everything or in a few minutes. I must do it, anyway so I take a deep breath.

"Uhm we can start now if that's okay for you dad?" I turn around to face him and he nods.

"Of course that's okay. Do I have to sign up anything?" He asks Maria and she nods.

"Yes, just the application for your daughter. That's everything." My dad nods.

"Follow me in my office please" She walks away and we follow her a few metres of the hall with lots of doors. I'm sure as hell I will get confused a lot of times and won't get back to where I belong. She walks in small room which is her office.

"Take a seat please." She sits down infront of her computer and we take our seat across from her.

She hands us alot of paper but just one for my dad and about five for me.

"You have to sign up this please." She hands my dad a pen and my dad begins to fill out some things like my full address and so on.

"This is for you." She hands me a pen and points to the first paper. "Please fill in everything you remember." My eyes scan the words. There are questions like: When did you first cut? Did you ever think about suicide? Did you ever try to kill yourself? Do you have any eating problems? Are you anorexic? Are you bulimic?

I try to fill out everything honestly. But I'm sure that it will last a few minutes. My hands are shaky. It's so strange to write down everything from yourself you usually never tell anyone. I mean that was all my secret for a while. My parents and even Harry never knew everything. They do now, though.

"I'm finished" My father says and hands Maria his paper. Her eyes overflies the words and she also signs it.

"Thank you." She smiles. "Do you want to stay any longer?" My dad turns to me.

"Is it okay for you if I go home now? I have a lot of work to do." I nod.

"It's okay." My father hugs me for a few seconds and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Take care of you. Your mom and I will call you later today." I nod and it's strange when he stands up and walks out of the room.

I contuine to sign up the paper and hands it Maria when I'm finally finished.

"Thank you. I will read it later." She smiles at me. "How are you feeling right now?"

"I'm good." I say automatically, like all of the time. I'm just so used to it.

"You have to be honest here. What do you really feel?" She looks serious but nice though.

"Uhm... I'm nervous.. and kind of scared." She nods.

"I understand. You don't have to be scared. We will try our best for you." I smile at her.

"How are you feeling despite that you're scared and nervous?"

"I don't feel too bad. I just already miss home and my boyfriend." I think at Harry and wonder what he does right now. If he's thinking about me?

"You have a boyfriend?" I nod. She smiles again.

"Does he understand you? Is he here for you if I'm allowed to ask?"

"Yes he was always here for me and I'm sure he always will be. He helped me through alot and I wouldn't be here right now without him." I proudly tell and Maria nods.

"I'm glad to hear this." I don't feel like to tell her that he cheated on me twice. I don't think that's important now.

"Do you have any other friends?" I shake my head.

"No... not really." She nods.

"You will find a lot of friends here I'm sure. You're a nice and pretty girl." I have to smile. I'm not used to getting compliments despite of Harry's.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Well I also have to tell you that the beginning won't be easy, of course. Everything is new here and you also have school. You have to eat infront of other people and therapiests. The therapiests will control you a lot to get to know you and your illness. But you have to know that all people here just want to help you. So it's better if you're honest right at the beginning. In your leisure time you have a lot of therapies at psychologiests. Between 6pm and 7pm you can do whatever you want. Your family or your boyfriend can visit you but you're not allowed to go outside on your own." I have to swallow. I knew that it wouldn't be easy before I came here but it sounds just horrible right now and I would love to go home.

"Oh and on weekends you don't have school of course. So you have more leisure time." I nod.

"Okay..." I don't know what to say right now.

"So I think I've told you the most important things. Do you want to see your room now and have a few minutes for yourself? We can talk about anything else later then or you can call me if you want to know anything." I nod.

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