Chapter 33

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Harry's POV

"And? What did she say?" I ask Lucy's parents as they leave the room where Lucy is in. Her moms eyes are red and her dad seems worried. Maybe I should have told Lucy earlier that her parents want that she will attend a psychiatry but I don't think it's my right to do so.

"She doesn't want to go there... but she has to. It's the best for her" Lucy's dad answers me. I don't know what to think about it. I know it's hard for Lucy's parents to see Lucy like this. To know that she wanted to kill herself but she also has to want to go there. I don't think it will help anything if she just clearly doesn't want to get help.

"Does she want to be alone right now?" Her mother shakes her head.

"No, I'm sure she would want to speak with you about it. Maybe you could convince her to go in a psychiatry." I nod.

"I will try my best" I smile at them.

"We will go home now and sleep for a while. We're really tired and exhausted and we're glad Lucy is alive. Of course we will come later again. You also should go home and sleep for a while you seem tired" Lucy's mother smiles at me and lightly touches my shoulder.

"I'm alright." I don't want to leave Lucy alone, even if she's not alone here at all.

"Our daughter should be so happy to have you." Lucy's mother smiles at me and then they walk away.

Lucy's POV

Harry walks in my room and I just have to smile as I see him. He smiles back but he seems tired and worried.

"I've missed you." I know I should be angry because he cheated on me but right now I need him so much. After all he is still my lifesaver. He is the one I love with all my heart.

"I've missed you, too" He takes his seat next to my bed so I can look in his beautiful eyes. I still see hope in them, like everytime.

"Are you alright?" He asks after a few seconds. I shake my head.

"No, not really. My parents want that I go in a psychiatry." I complain. I don't want to go there.

"I know.." Harry sighs. My eyes widen.

"Since when...?!" He closes his eyes. "They told me while you were asleep... right after you came in the hospital" He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" It would have been better if I knew that ealier.

"I'm sorry... there was so much going on and... I thought it would be better that you're parents tell you that, because it was their idea right at the beginning."

"No.. you don't have to be sorry about that. I understand it..." I don't see a reason to be angry at him because of that. There is way too much going on right now. Harry smiles at me and takes my hand. He slowly rubs his thumb over my fingers. I close my eyes.

"Do you think it would be better if I go there?" I ask while my eyes are still closed.

"Hmm.. well maybe it would help you.. but you have to want to get help." I nod. He still rubs my hand and it comforts me. Like always.

"Yes maybe it would be better... but I'm just scared that I won't see you and..."

"You still want to be together with me after all?" I hear Harry's happines in his voice so I have to smile. I open my eyes.

"I love you Harry. You saved my life and.. I understand you..." Harry shakes his head.

"No. Everything was hard in the last time but that isn't an exuse for what I did.. It was a huge mistake.. well two.. but I love you. And I still want to be together with you. I want that you are mine and I am yours. But the most important thing what I want is that you are finally happy again." My eyes begin to water but I don't want to cry. Not now.

"Could you promise me that you won't ever do something like that? Those mistakes?" I don't want to mention the word "cheat".

"Yes, I promise you. But could you promise me that you won't ever try to... you know?" I nod.

"I promise you." Harry leans forward to place a kiss on my forehead. I've missed his soft lips on my skin.

"Well should I go there?" I still don't have an answer. "They already signed me up there.." I contuine.

"Do you want to recover?" I don't think twice about that and immediately nod.

"Yes. I finally want to be happy again." Harry smiles.

"Then you should go, baby."

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