Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

It's just the first day in school without Lucy and it's already horrible. I'm used to it that she's in the same classroom as me and that we look at each other during the lessons. She always smiled then. I know it's stupid to miss her just because she isn't in the same school anymore, I will see her after school anyway but it's strange, though.

I hope her new school is okay and the people are nice to her. I shouldn't blame myself that the people here were so horrible to her but I always think that I could have done more for her, maybe.

"How's your girlfriend doing? You couldn't protect her from us? Well, just because she's in a new school now doesn't mean the people there will like her." Max says with sarcasm. God how I hate him. I'm glad that Lucy doesn't have to hear this. I should leave school, too.

"Shut up, Max. Lucy is fine and if you say anything stupid again I will..." I have to stop myself before saying anything stupid. It doesn't help something, anyway. He always provokes me and I just have to try to just let him talk.

"You will what? Beat against me? We can do that if you want. You know I'm a lot stronger than you, anyway." Gosh I have to calm down. I'm kind of glad that the break is finally over so Max has to take his seat and leave me.

Lucy's POV

"Lucy? What are your plans for this school year and what did you do in the holidays? I hope you'll like it here." Our teacher smiles at me and I'm unsure what to say.

"Well, I will try to get good marks and get along with hopefully anyone. And my holidays were good. I spent a lot of time with my boyfriend and..." No. I won't say something about the psychologiest now. I don't even know if it was good to mention that I have a boyfriend.

"And I made some excursions with my family" My teacher nods.

"Thank you, Lucy." I'm so glad that it went like this.

Harry's POV

I'm at home for about thirty minutes now. What's up with Lucy? Why doesn't she call me? Does she still have school? I'm getting scared and nervous. I hope she's okay.

My phone buzzes. It's Lucy. Oh my god. Finally!

"Lucy? Are you okay? How was it?" I hear her laugh through my phone.

"Oh my god Harry calm down! Yes I'm okay and it was really good, I guess." I let out a deep breath.

"I'm so glad to hear this. How are the people there? Were they nice to you?"

"Uhm yes. I didn't really have time to talk with them but I didn't hear them talking some bullshit about me. I hope that's a good sign. And I will see how it will develop in the next few days."

"Okay. That's really good. Tell me more about your first day. God I was so scared about you."

"Harry I really am okay. I'm on my home anyway so I can tell you all later. How was it in my old school?"

"Oh god. Don't remind me of them. I will kill Max!"

"Harry!" She complains.

"What?! He's a jerk!"

"Yes I know. You should change school and come over to mine"

"I thought about this, too" I giggle. I hear her sigh.



"Could you ask your dad if he drives you right to my house? I miss you."

"Of course. I will be here soon. I'm looking forward to see you."

"Me too. I love you" I hang up the phone and I can't wait to see her.

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