Chapter 40

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4 weeks later

Someone knocks at the door and Maria comes in. I smile at her and lay my mobile phone beside me. I just talked to Harry. I miss him so much. My parents and him visit me every weekend but that's just not enough at all.

"Lucy do you have time for a talk?" I'm getting nervous. Usually she also talks when Lena is around so this is a little bit strange.

"Uhm yeah sure?!" I stand up and make my way to Maria.

"You don't have to be nervous" She chuckles. I nod and smile at her, although I'm still feeling strange.

We make our way to her office and I take my seat from the opposite of her. I wasn't here since the day I arrived. 5 weeks ago. It's seems like yesterday, but at the same time I'm feeling like a different person than I was when I came here and started to make this therapy. I do feel like I've changed and made some important development.

"So how are you feeling?" She looks deep in my eyes to make sure I don't lie at her.

"I'm good, thank you very much," I really am. I'm feeling better every day, those therapies help me a lot. Maria smiles at me.

"What about Lena and the therapies? Do they help you?" I nod.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily say me and Lena are best friends but we really do get on very well. I mean if one of us doesn't feel that well we cheer each other up and are here for each other. Oh and the therapies help me a lot. I feel better every day and I'm so glad I came here. I can say that I'm finally happy again."

"I'm so happy to hear that. So imagine you're back at home but you have a very bad day. What would you do? Would you start to cut again?" I shake my head.

"No. I think I'm over this whole thing. I've learned that I can deal with problems in a different way than cutting." I proudly answer. Maria takes my hand in hers.

"That's great. So maybe I have a little surprise for you." She removes my hand and hands me a paper.

"Before you start reading - this is your pensioning off. We all can tell that you're one of those who fight really hard to be happy again and you made a huge development. And I can tell that it isn't necessary for you to be here any longer. If you want to be here longer that's okay too, of course. You have to decide it. But for us it would be okay if you go home for a while now. If you would feel worse again it's no problem that you come here again, of course."

Woah. I've never expected that I could go home that early. Of course I wanna go home now. I can finally spend more time with Harry and my family again.

"Oh my god yes of course I wanna go home!" This is the best day since a very long time. Maria smiles at me.

"You have to be sure about this and you're fully outside when your dad or your mom picks you up and they have to sign this" She shows at a lot of paper. I won't ever understand for what they need so many paper things. I nod at her.

"When do you think can your parents pick you up?" I'm sure my dad won't wait till the weekend.

"Uhm I don't think it will take a long time. I can phone and ask my dad." Maria nods.

"Okay. You can go back to your room now and do everything you need" I immediately stand up and reach for Maria's hand.

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." I turn around and almost run back to my room.

Lena looks at me with wide and confused eyes as I jump in our room and take my phone from the bed.

"I will explain you everything in a few minutes" I say excited and don't know for a second if I should phone Harry or my dad first. I decide to ask my dad first when he will be able to pick me up. Then I will phone Harry. Oh my fucking god. I phone my dad's number with shake hands and wait for his respond.



"Yeah? Are you okay?"

"Yes dad. When are you able to pick me up from here?"

"Uhm what?!" What is so hard to understand?

"I'm allowed to go home again." I have to laugh and a few tears escape my eyes.

"Woah. That's great! Uhm I can pick you up tomorrow when I'm finished with work," Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go back home. Tomorrow.

"Okay. Thank you dad!"

"No problem at all, honey. I will phone you tomorrow again, is that alright?" I nod even if he can't see me.

"Alright, bye. Love you" I hang up the phone and sit down on my bed to try to calm down. Lena looks at me with wide eyes.

"You are allowed to go home?" She asks quietly. Isn't she happy for me?

"Uhm yes... are you okay?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know... I will miss you." Her eyes wettens. Oh no. I stand up and walk towards her bed to hug her.

"Lena I'm sure you can go home soon. And I can visit you. We can phone every day and I promise you that I won't leave you alone" I try to calm her. She sobs.

"Home? In that shit youth home? I mean... you have a family and you have a wonderful boyfriend and I..." Fucking shit I shouldn't have said this.

"Baby I'm here for you and I'm sure things will get better. They always do. I know it's hard but you just have to keep fighting. Don't ever give up." Lena nods and removes from my tight hug.

"Come on call Harry now." I smile at her.

"You are the best Lena. I love you so much." She starts to laugh and wipes away her tears. I phone Harry and it doesn't take long for him to pick up his phone.


"Harry? I have a surprise for you."

"Uhm which one? Are you okay?"

"Yes Harry, I'm more than okay and I will leave tomorrow. I will be back home tomorrow." Harry doesn't say anything for a while.

"Harry? Is everything alright?"

"You really can go home tomorrow? That means we can see each other again every day, right?" He says excited and I'm sure he smiles at the other end.

"Yep. Right."

"Oh my god baby I'm really looking forward to it."

"Me too, Harry. Me too."

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