Chapter 4

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So before you read the begining part is really hot! So if your around someone that you don't want them to read and make faces at you then I would advise that you move now! Ladies if you have boyfriends maybe you should have them do this!!! I'm going to let boyfriend read the begining so he can! Lol. I'm silly! Yall will have to forgive me!


"Dawn I have wanted you for a while" he says as he walks closer to me.

"Really"I try not to moan as he is kissing my neck.

"I want you to be mine".

He picks me up and throw me on the bed. He slowly starts stripping me. He takes off my shirt and kisses the top of my breast. I run my fingers through his hair as he takes off my pants.

He says "Mmmm you look better than I thought".

I let out a deep low moan. He grabs my bra and rips it off! That made me crazy! He starts kissing and rubbing my breast. The moans are flowing now! He takes his teeth and slowly takes off my thong. Now I am completely naked. In no time he was naked! He took the condom and slipped it on.

"Are you ready" He whispered in my ear.

I bit my lip and shock my head. He is almost there!

"I said I heard you got a main chick a mistress and some hoe's" I sat up and it was a text message.

"Thanks for the money I love you sis" Daylon had texted.

"I was sleep. Your welcome" I texted back. I felt myself and looked around. Wait I was dreaming. It felt so real! Mmmm he look so good naked! Wait what the hell am I saying! I just met the man! I looked at my phone to see what time it was. "3:45 pm". Wow!

I got up and walked out to see if there was something to eat. "Hmmm" I say as I'm looking in the fridge. There was a slice of pizza from the night before. I guess I'll eat this. I warm up my pizza and sat on the couch. I Can't Get Enough starts playing on my phone again. If this is my brother his is really about to get cussed out! Uhh I wish he would leave me alone!

I looked down and it says its from Brian. My heart is going crazy. I just had a dream about this man! Ahhh!

"Good Afternoon Beautiful" he texted.

I have a smile of my face ear to ear.

"Good Afternoon Handsome" i say.

"What are you planning on doing today :) ".

"Um most likely nothing just lounging around."

"Well do you want to come with me Ice Skating???".

"I'd love to".

"Ok meet me at the diner so I can pick you up. I will see you in about an hour :)"

"See you then".

I throw my pizza in the trash and ran to take a shower. I throw on a long purple turtle neck, a pair of leggings and some purple flats. I do a purple blended eye and a clear lip gloss. I grab a matching pocketbook, throw my phone, some money, and the lip gloss in it. I pick up my keys and walk out the apartment. I get into the car and drive to the diner.

I puledl up to see him leaning on his car. All I could think about was my dream. I started to breathe heavy. I took a few deep breaths so I can slow my heart rate and catch my breaths. I got out and gave him a hug.

"Well don't you look lovely" He said while hugging me.

"Well thank you. You look lovelyer" I say with a laugh.

"Are you ready?".

"I am" I say while grabbing his hand.

He opens his door for me and I get in. What a gentleman. He gets into the driver side and starts up the car. On the ride there we talk about silly things. Its hard for me to really concentrate when all I can think about is that dream. That wonderful dream! Every time he would say something my mind would flash back to him gripping my thong with his teeth and pulling it off. Why do I want him so bad

We get to the ice rink and we get out. We walk in and I begin to get a little worried. I've never Ice skated before. He looks at me and asks what wrong. I tell him that I've never skated before and that I'm scared. "Don't worry I will always catch you" He said while helping me put on my skates. We get out onto the ice and I'm doing pretty good. He goes off on his own and shows of his "Skills". Show off! I was great until I start to trip over my own feet. I'm about to fall when he catches me. He pulls me up and grabs me by the waist to make sure I don't fall again. He smells soo good! I love that cologne! He sticks his head in my neck rubbing his lips across my spot. I shake a little. What is wrong with me? Why does he have me like this? "Are you ready to get something to eat? He asked. "Yes I am". We take off our skates and walk to his car. Again he opens the door for me. We to this little sushi place. "How did you know I wanted sushi" I asked. "I'm just good like that". He opens the door and grabs my hand so I can get out. This has got to be to good to be true. We both order the spicy tuna hand rolls. How times flies when were having fun. Its 10:00 pm. We get into his car and we drive back to diner. We both get out and he walks me to the car. "I had a really great time today. Your 2 for 2" I said. "Well that's good. Your a really fun person Dawn". "Thank you Brian. You a fun person as well". He leans me back on the car before he starts kissing me. This man is driving me crazy, and he doesn't even know. He moves to my neck and puts his hands on my butt. He is nibbling on my neck it feels soo good. All I can do is moan. He stops and steps back. He has this look on his face that looks like if he could jump on me he would, but he is to much of a gentlemen that he doesn't. He grabs my hand and says good night before he kissed my hand. He opened the door for me so I could get in. He closes it, waves and walks to his car. I sit there for a min trying to get myself together. Again another night that he has gotten me hot and bothered! I drive home to see my Jolisa on the couch. "Soooo what happened?". "Well we went Ice skating, and he caught me before I could fall. Well once he caught me he rubbed his lips across my neck. And you know how that does me!". "Ohhh! What else happened?!?!". "After skating we went to eat sushi. We talked forever.". "Ok soo did anything else happen"."We went back to the diner and he kissed me. It was same way he did last night! Girl It was wonderful!" "Oooooo!!!! Girl he wants you! Well I would love to stay and chat but my ride is here and its time for me to get my grove on! Soo don't wait up for me" She said as she winked. "Ok girly! Have fun" I say as I walk into the bathroom. I was washing my face when I saw that my neck had bled a little. I hadn't realized he had nibbled hard enough to break the skin. It felt good so its ok! Now I'm going to have a big bruise! Silly boy! I go and change and lay down in my bed. My phone goes off and Its him. "Good night beautiful. Sweet dreams". "Good night handsome. Sweet Dreams". I turn over putting my phone on my table. I hope I don't have another dream about him!


Ok sooo please like or comment!!!! How did you guys like the begining part???? I need feedback! I'm going crazy! I called my boyfriend and pretty much screamed/cried when I saw someone had like one of my chapters and added my story to their reading list! So I'm going to try and put Brian's point of view up. It will only be from the time they started skating until now. Its 1:22 in the morning and I can barely keep my eyes open!

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