Chapter 18

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So I just wanted to to ask you guys something. Do you like my story. I mean I will get about one or 2 votes. I know that people are reading but I don't know if they read like the first paragraph and then switch to another story. That's what's scaring me! Please comment! Please!


"Weirdo wake up." I nudge him softly

I push him a little harder "Wake up. The food is ready"

Ok so he won't get up. Hmmm what can I do to Get him up. DING! Water. Hahaha. He should have woke up when I told him to. I'm so mean! I went and got a cup and my camera. I set my camera on the counter facing him and turned on the light.

I walked over to where he was sleeping, but I had to talk about because I was laughing so hard.

"Girl what the hell is wrong with you?" Jolisa asked with a puzzled look on her face.

I couldn't even say anything. So I pointed to the cup and my room. She knew what I was talking about and wanted to join in.

So after about 5 more mins of laughing we both walked back into the room. She picked up the camera so we could get his face better. I mouthed out 1 2 3, and threw the water on him.

He hopped up and pushed us. I laughed so hard I peed on myself!

"AHHHH DID YOU SEE HIS FACE!!!!" Jolisa said on the floor

"Yes I did!!! I have to pee! He made me per on myself!"

"Y'all are assholes!"

"Well I tried to wake you up, but you didn't!"

"Anyway I'm going back to sleep. Just wait I will get you both back!"

"First your not getting anyone back and second your not going back to sleep because I cooked. So your getting up and eat. Plus there is a surprise for you after we eat."

"Oo there is what is it!! Tell me now"

"Um no! You will find out after we eat now let's go cry baby!"

"Uh ok..."

"You might want to change your shirt. It's socking wet!"

As I was walking out he whispers "Your shirt is going to be wet" I guess he didn't think I heard him. So I tip toe behind him and put him in a head lock.


"I heard what you said! Now the only way I will let you go is if you tell me I'm the queen and I can still kick your butt!

"FINE! Your the queen and you still beat my butt! Now get off of me!"

"Ok! Thank you! Now hurry up the food is getting cold"

He huffed and puffed all the way to the bathroom. Hahahaha! I still got it!

I put the food on the table and Brian set the table.

We all sat down and ate. You could tell something was bothering Daylon, but he wouldn't say anything about it. I need to get him alone and talk.

"So I'm sorry to cut this dinner short but my man is waiting and were going to movie so Peace In The Street SAAAN!!"

"Jolisa you watch way to much BFvsGF! Bye girl! Have fun!!!"

She is a mess! Got to love her!!! Ok so now that she is gone I need to being up the adoption stuff.

"Day can I ask you a question"


"So um I was wondering if you might want to come live with me and Brian. Not here but at is place. He has this huge house. I mean huge. With 5 rooms. Which means you can have 2. One for a bedroom and another for a game room."

"Well there's already a game room. With every gaming system you can possibly think of."

"So what do you think."

It took a while before he answered. You could tell it was bothering him. I just hope he says yes. If he does say no then we will have to find another way to keep him safe. I'm about to throw up! I'm so nervous.

"Um yea sure."


"I will stay. Does that mean that I will never have to live with him again?"

I pulled him into a hug "Never again." I'm so happy! I can keep him safe! Oh god thank you!y brother will be safe!

"Ok so can you get off of me now. I want to finish eating and your about to drop tears in my food."

I wipe my eyes and move off of him. "Ok so Brain what is this surprise that you have for my brother?"

"Well he will have to walk outside for that."

What in the hell did he get him!! He had this dumb smirk in this face! If it's a car I'm going he is going to be added to my kill list!!

Before I could say anything my brother hopped up and ran outside. Brian grabbed my hand and let me outside.

"No you did not!"

With a smirk on his face he said "What baby"

"Why is there a car in my driveway!"

he completely ignored my question and said "So Daylon how do you like it. I heard that you had a birthday not to long ago. So because I was super late I decided to get you this." he handed him the keys and Day got in. "Also there is something in the trunk for you."

Daylon hopped out and popped the trunk. There was a large box. He took it out and opened it.

"It's a fitted. Signed by Wayne! And an iPhone 4. Thanks man."

"there's something else in there as well. Just look deeper"

"It back stage passes to a concert. Drakes! How did you get these. They were sold out"

"Well I know a guy that's in sales and he got it for me"

"Thanks man. This is really nice. You didn't have too."

"Well your my soon to be brother in law. Plus you can tell me dirty secrets about Dawn."

I punch him in the shoulder and say hey.

"Ive got plenty. Like this one time we were in the store and she passed gas and some man walked by and covered his nose and made this 'hmp' noise. She laughed so hard she peed on herself!"

He turned and looked at me. All I could do was stand there with my mouth open. How could he tell that!

"why look so mad sis??? Remember what you did earlier? Well payback is a biotch!!! Haha!"

Ok ok. I will get him back later. Now it's time to call a lawyer. My baby brother will be safe.

What kind of mother doesn't call to check up her son. You know she isn't fit to be a plants mother let alone 2 children.

I will use my last breath to take him out of that house. Danny oh don't worry you will die. Best believe that. You sick dirty bastard.



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