Chapter 16

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Brian's POV: 

I know it was about time for her to ask. Do I tell her everything or should I give her the sweet parts and leave out the sticky part. If I want to spend my life with her then she needs to know everything

"My life isn't all peaches and cream baby. But because I want to spend my life with you I want you to know everything there is about me. But before I tell you my life story let me make some coffee. This is going to be a very long and tough story." she nodded her head and sat on the couch.

The coffee was done and we were now sitting side by side. Her legs was laid across mine. Someone please give my strength.

"So where should I begin. I had a fair childhood. We weren't rich nor were we poor. I had 3 brothers and 1 sister. I was the oldest do that meant that I had to help provide. My childhood wasn't all that bad."

"When did you get turned?"

The thought of that made my skin crawl. "I was walking one might back home. I had just bought bread and some meat so my mother could cook it. It had gotten really chilly really fast. I should have known something that there was something was wrong because it was in the summer. I was almost home when I saw something in the corner of my eye. I turned to look only to see a very beautiful young woman. She had on a dark brown dress. Se looked to be royalty. She walked up to me and kissed me. It shocked me do much that I dropped very thing that was in my hand. She pushed me up on a wall and sunk into my neck. At first it felt good until I started to get lightheaded. The last thing I remember was falling on the ground."

She looked at me as if she had been hit. I can tell the rage and sadness on her face. Tears started to drop from her face. I just scooped her up in a hug.

I whispered in her ear " Baby it's ok. I'm here now. If she hadn't don't what she did then I wouldn't be here with you! You wouldn't be getting any my good loving would you?". She laughed and pushed me away

"Your a big pervert you know that". She laughed and wiped her tears away.

"Do you remember around that 3 time we meet up and we were kissing and I bit you?" she nodded 

"Well I got into the car and called someone. Heather. She is a witch. She has been there for me since I was turned. She is like a sister to me."

"Have you slept with her?" you can tell she was a little mad, but she was trying to hide it

"No I have not. She has told me from day one that if I tried to make our friendship anything more that she I'll kill me very slowly"

"So did you like her?"

"At first I did. Then she acted so much like my real sister that any feelings that I had for her faded fast. She would even jump on me and beat me up! Hell she still does that!"

She laughed and started heading towards the stairs. I looked at her kinda funny.

"Are you just going to sit there or are you going to help me with round two?"

"Well what about you! I know only a little about you!"

"Well you will find out soon right now I need some assistance."

"You promise you will tell me. Swear that you will."

"I don't swear but I promise you that I will tell you. My promises are everything. Trust me. Now are you going to come help me or are you just going to sit there looking extra stupid!"

"Your going to get it now!!". I hopped up and she started running up the stairs. If she says she will then she will. She just needs time. I didn't finish my life. I will soon. Now it's time to beat her up! I hope she doesn't find my weak spot! I will be no good!!!


This chapter was kind of a filler. Its not a full background just a sneak peek! Soo you guys I want to put in a twist. Should I. I have a few in my mind but I really don't know!!! I want to sooo bad! Anyway! Comment,Vote, & Fan!!!! I love you guys!!!

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