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  • Dedicated to To my lovely readers!


So this is the official last chapter.

I think that I might have confused y'all when I said 'Last Chapter'. I meant that chapter 38 was the last of the real story.

This is 6 years ahead.

Dawn and Brian has another child.

A little boy. He is 2.

So enjoy!!



"Daddy! Daddy!". Rosland yells.

Brian runs into her room scared.

Did something happen to his little angel.

"Baby what's wrong?". He asked with this pained expression across his face.

"Daddy there is spidur in my woom!!"

Relief wiped across his while body.

He smiled and kissed her forehead.

He went and killed the microscopic spider.

He walked back over to his precious daughter and picked her up while he sat on her bed.

He sat there and admired her.

When she was born her eyes were completely gray.

As she gets older blue has begun to intertwine with the gray.

There so mesmerizing.

Her wavy jet black hair.

Since her mother had wavy hair and her father had straight hair it balanced out her hair.

It's in these large curls.

Her skin is almost light caramel color.

She has her fathers lips.

Nice and full.

He has already had to fight of older guys.

Trying to get at his baby.

As he was holding her he saw something out the corner of his eye.

He thought he was going crazy at first, but then he turned his head and looked.

It was a foot.

He placed her on the floor and moved her pillows.

It was her brother Bj.

Why is he under her pillows sleep.

"Rosland Sweetheat why is your brother under your pillows sleep?".

She looked at him with this proud expression on her face.

"Because daddy he was tired. His pamper was messy. So I changed hims and laid hims in my bed. I covered hims up and i put piwows on top of hims so de spidur didn't get him."

I grabbed him from under the pillow and held him.

I looked at my handsome son.

He looked just like his father.

Except he had eyes like his sisters.

She sure did change him!

His pamper was backwards.

Well at least she tried!

"I'm going to go take him in his room."

She stopped me before I got get to the door.

I Think I Love Him (Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now