Chapter 6

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So thanks you purplerockerbabe and ariesgirl72 for liking my last chapter! So everyday I will go onto my wattpad iPod app and look on my profile to see how many times my book have been read! My baby cat is still sick. I went and got some grass (thats like the animals gingerale!). He at some. I really need to hurry and find a vet! Anywho... I start back school on the 30th soo i'm trying to get as many chapters in as possible! I really don't know how I'm even writting this story lol! I draw a while I'm thinking about the story but once I start writing it just flows!


Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Its been 8 months now. Its strange how much fun we've had but we haven't had sex yet. Well hopefully we can this weekend! My birthday is saturday and I'm exicted!! 19!!! I can't wait! Brian told me that he has something planned for my birthday but he won't tell me! He is so mean!! So I need to go and get something to wear for this weekend if I want something to happen! I'm really deprived!

Jolisa and I went to this 'Specialty Store". It had whips and chair and dildos! It was pretty nice! Jolisa said I needed a corset! When you would see woman on tv with a corset on she was out of breath, but she was beautiful! Hmm maybe I will get one! I picked out this pink one(I put a picture on the side so you can see what it looks like! I like this one!) I put it on and jolisa tide it up for me! I look great! I wish I could send it to him! It would drive him nuts! So I decide to get... The corset, some ediable panites, and a whip! I looked at the chocolate and the caramel. It was almost $40 for both of them! They have lost their minds! I can just go to Wal-Mart and get some caramel, chocolate, whip cream and strawberries for no more than 25! Outragous!

We get home and hide my stuff. He has a weird way of finding stuff thats for us! So I decide to put it in her room! He will never look there! "Ring Ring Ring Ring, Pregresso." starts playing on my phone. Why in the world did he set that as his ringtone I will never understand! "Yes loverbug" I say as  I walk back into my room. "Hey can you come over I need to talk to you about something" he said in a serious tone. Soon as he said that my stomach messed up! It felt like my whole world had ended! Whenever someone says that its never good. "Ok I'll be there in 10". I hung up and grabbed my phone and ran out the apartment. I got into the car and drove. A million things was going through my mind. Has he cheated on me. Did he get her pregnant! Omg is he going to tell me that he doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore?!? Is he going to tell me that he is in love with a guy?!?! Oh God please help me!

I get to his house and I walk in. He is sitting on the couch with his head in his hand. I'm really about to cry now! I sit on the other side of him. I've been there for about 5 mins now and he hasn't said anything ."Listen if you cheated on me tell me now, if she is pregnant tell me. If you gay just go on and tell me please stop waiting!! I'm about to die. He looks up and me and takes my hand. "I don't want anything to change between us. So just listen to everything I have to say before you say anything. Ok?" "Alright." Oh God he cheated! Why me? Why? I gave this man everything! I put him first and he goes and cheats on me! Why....... A tear rolls down my face. He whipes it away. "Ok so I'm just going to say it......" "I'm a vampire". I look at him for a moment not understand what he is saying. I was relived. He didn't cheat! He wasn't gay! Some bitch wasn't pregnant!!! I grabbed him and hugged him by then I was bawling! "I thought you had cheated on me!" "No baby Its not in my nature to cheat. Wait your not scared??" He looked at me confussed. He looked almost if I had made a mistake. " No I'm not scared! Umm now I have a secret. Umm I have always had an umm fanstay about vampires. He look turned from confussed to a smirk. "So what you are telling me is you not scared of me, and if I did this it wouldn't scare you?" He turned and looked at me he had extended his fangs and these blackist-blue vains started to show thru his skin. His eyes went from a sky blue to a dark deep blue. I put my hand on his face. His eyes went back to normal, the vains went away, and his fangs went away. "Listen I love you no matter what I will always be there whether you like it or not." He kisses me. While kissing me he says "This has been killing me for months now!" "I bet. So wait that second date we went on did you bite me? "I had I didn't mean to, but you smelled so good! I've never smelled something so sweet as you! Your blood tasted like honey!'. I looked at him and laughed.  "So what I want to know is why did you get me all worked up to leave?!?!?! Do you know how horny I was? After the club I went home and had a dream about you. Well us.." I could feel myself getting hot and my heart speeding up! "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. If I had done something I would have been scared that I would have bit you!  "Oh". He looked at me and smilled. He got up and grabbed a blanket and turned on the tv. We layed there and watched tv until we went to sleep.


Soo first thanks for reading! Um and I don't want anyone getting up set because I talked about him being gay. I have nothing against gay people! A lot of my friends are gay! They have more drama than straight people lol! I think thats why I have so many gay friends so I listen to them gossip about other people! Lol I'm crazy! Anyway fan/vote/comment! Any feedback is really nice! Its 1:57 in the morning and I tried to get 2 chapter uploaded but thats not about to happen. Hopefully I can do 2 tomorrow for you guys! There will be a big sex sceen either in the chapter 7 or 8!!! Night Night! Sleep tight! Don't let the vampire's bite!

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