Chapter 9

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It's 5:57 I hope to have this done and posted by 9! Fan/comment/vote!


He picks me up and takes me into his room. His features became hard and defined. It was as if I was his prey. I was getting a little worried. He threw me on the bed and hopped on top of me. He sweet slow kisses turned into hard forceful ones. Veins in his face began go show. I tried to push him away but he was to strong! Any other day that would be sexy but his pupils were turning black. I felt something puncture my my lip. He stopped and looked at me. I touched my lip. It was bleeding. "Baby you bit me! That hurts!" I say while getting up walking onto the bathroom. He turned around and look at me almost broken. I walk back out and stood in front of him. "Baby what's wrong"

"I'm sorry. I.." he stopped and put his hands in his face. I sat beside him. I put my hand on his thigh. "Its ok just tell me next time. Now please tell me what's wrong with you?" "I shouldn't have bit you. I haven't feed and you smell really good! Plus I'm horny and that always makes things worse!" I laughed and pushed him over! "Now what were you doing to me when we were in the kitchen??? Now it's payback time!!!"

I back off him and turn on some music. Freakin' Me by Jamie Fox started playing. I backed up far enough for him to see me. I slowly started to strip. I took off my shirt. Then I took off my pants. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand and rubbed it across my privates. I backed up and turned away from him. I could hear him making noises. I almost had him!!! I took off my bra and threw it at him!!! I grabbed my breast and walked towards him. His eyes had turned completely black! His hand had slowly started to move towards my breast. He was almost there when I hit his hand away. I pushed him back down and got on top of him. I started grinding on him. He closed his eyes. I got back off of him and started to take off my panties. They were almost off when I felt a rush of air and the bathroom door closed. Oh yea I got him!!! Pay back is a back is a bitch!!

"Baby how old are you really" I asked while he was he was walking out of the bathroom. "I'm 2000 years old" she said while getting on the bed. All I could do is laugh. "I would have never guessed! Well for you to be old you still look really good!! So how did it happen?". He laid back with me and closed his eyes. "Well I was in the army. We were preparing to strike when a spear had went through my shoulder and chest. I laid there dying when my maker came up. He picked me up and took me to his home. It hurt when he changed me". "Baby I'm sorry." I say will kissing his cheek. "Its not your fault" he say while pulling me closer. " So tell me this. Can vampires have children and if so can they with a human???". He looked at me like I was a little kid asking some dumb question. "Yes they can and if they were to have sex with a human then they can have children". I looked and him and rubbed him chest "Well when we do we will have to make sure we have condoms" he looked at me a laughed. I told him that I will talk to him later because I have a hair and nail appointment today. He said ok and walked me to the door. We kissed and I left .

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