Chapter 19

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All Rights Reserved to GiamoniCooper :)


So you guys before I say anything I want put this in here. They is this AWESOME writer by the name of AggieDiva35. I love her books to death!! I have been bothering hero upload her second book lol!! Anyway I need for my lovely readers to check her out!!! Here are her links.

~Her Untamed Desire~

Sexy, Independent... And Full Figured!!

And for those who are like me and uses their mobile device here are the codes. Because for some reason you can't click on the links in the story.

~Her Untamed Desire~


Sexy, Independent... And Full Figured!!


Please go read her stories!!! You know I have never promoted someone's stories!! That's how good she is!!! Also harass her as well and blame it on me!!!! Lol please go read her story. And to make this even better the 3 people that report back to me within the next 2 days about how they feel will have 2 chapters dedicated to them!! Check out my comments in the story!! Their pretty crazy!! In a good way though!!

Enjoy!! I love you stinky person!!


"Baby stop my brother is in the next room". He planted soft kisses from my ear to my neck!! I'm about to go crazy!

"Listen ok.(whispering this part in my ear) I need you. Do you know how hard it is for me to control myself." he started to slide his hand slowly up my thigh. "I dream about you at night. It's hard trying to control hector (that's his vampire side we decided to come up with one so when we are in public and he needs to talk about it he can without people knowing).

"Well then you need to go get you something to eat then." I push is hand aside and try and get up.

He pulls me back down and says "Where do you think your going. Let me tell you something. If your brother wasn't here oh best believe you would have zero clothes on and you would be screaming my name right now! I won't be able to keep him under control much longer!! Just will he is here don't wear tight clothes, heels, sexy night clothes, anything that might set me off! Just wear some sweat pants and a tee. Please?"

"Heels? Seriously?"

"That's also part of my dream. You walked into my office with nothing but a trench coat and heels! An when you dropped the coat you had on this sexy lacy bra and panties."

"That's some dream! But sadly it will never come true."

"Why not?"

"First you don't have an office. Second I don't own a trench coat"

"I have an office and you can always by an trench coat"

"You don't have an office. Unless your talking about the one in your home. If so then that doesn't count as an office because I could just walk in there with heels and a night gown!"

"No I really do have an office. You know the big building that's downtown. Well a friend of mine is the CEO of a finance company. He brought me on years ago. So I have my own office there. I never have to go in because if theres any work the needs to done I can do it at home."

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