Chapter 36

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Sooooo have to heard ushers new album?!?!? Omg sexy much!!!! I really love Lessons for the Lovers!!! That's the type of music they should play in the club!!!!! But it's also baby making music. Hell people still act like it's a damn hotel! I just hope they play it!

Anyway enjoy!!!!



(Ok so it's been about 2 weeks now.)

So I stopped by my old job. They told me I can stay as long as I needed.

Good because I'm going to need all the money I can get.

I really feel bad for Day. I was supposed to have a secure place for him.

And look at me. I don't have shit. Well I do have my car. That I left at Brian's house.

Every time I say his name it make my heart break more.

How could he do that to me? After all I did for him! He left me.

He promised me every night before we went to sleep that he would never hurt me.

Not only did he hurt me but he also hurt my brother.

I promise to this day forward no one will EVER hurt my family anymore. They are all I have. I will kill for them!

My phone buzzed.

I looked down it was a call.

(Start song now! And put it on repeat!)


I answered it.

"What do you want?" I say angered.

"I miss you."

I can't believe him

"Oh well. You should have thought about that before you took up for that bitch! How could you anyway! You sat there and told me that she ruined your life and how she made you do things that to this day you regret! How she left you! Tell me please. Tell me how the hell you can take up for this whore?"

I heard him sigh.

"I didn't mean to. Linda you have to understand that she was my maker. I still had a connection with her. What she felt is what I felt. I'm sorry."

"Whatever. Is there a better reason why you called? Other than you miss me."

"Um yes. I wanted to take you to get something to eat. I know you haven't been eating. I can feel it. So I want to take you to Outback. Maybe we can talk."

His ass knows Outback is my weakness!

Oooo he is good!

"I will go to Outback only to eat, but I'm not talking!"

She said yes.

"Ok I will be there at 8. See you then."

"Yea whatever."

She hung up.

This is my only chance! I have to win her back! I have to make some calls!

Ok it's 6:30. I need to go get some stuff.

She will be back in my arms by tonight!

Jolisa is one nosey person!!!

I could hear and smell her crazy ass at the door!

I guess she forgot I got a vampire baby inside of me.

"Jolisa get your nosey ass in here!"

She opened the door.

I Think I Love Him (Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now