Chapter 20

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I'm about to hurt my boyfriend!!! Why doesn't he understand the word stop? I would be ok if he didn't laugh when I'm telling him to stop!!! That's what really makes me mad!!!! AHHHH!!!!!! I need a mancation!!! Anyway sorry for my little rant! I just needed to get it out before I end up in jail!! I see why woman are in jail for killing their husbands/boyfriends!!!  

Enjoy people. :) 

All Rights Are Reserved to GiamoniCooper


"You sure you don't wana come?"

"I'm sure sis. I don't want to be anywhere near them."

"Ok man. Are you hungry or anything?"

"I am hungry."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Umm take out or something."

"What kind of takeout?"

"I have no idea."

"What do you want really bad right now?"

"Pizza and Chinese"

"Um ok. Are you sure you haven't gotten anyone pregnant?"

"Uh yes I'm sure."

"Ok now I don't want to be an aunt. I hate to have to cut off your balls!"

"Wait what?!"

"Shut up. Here's 60 dollars. Get whatever you want. We will be back in a little while. Don't throw any parties and I mean it. Not until we get everything straighten out."

"Ok ok. I won't."

"If you need me call me ok. If you can't get up with me then call Brian."


I handed him the money and walked out the door.

The ride wasn't that bad. I was more mad than nervous.

"Are you ready?"

"As I could ever be. Your coming in with me right?"

"Of course. I'm not leaving you ever."

We got out and walked towards the door. When we got to the door Brian grabbed my hand. It made me feel safe.

I know on the door and waited for someone to answer. After the 5 knock we were about to turn around until he opened the door.

"Well look what the cat brought in. How long has it been baby girl. 10 years?"

"Not fucking long enough. Never call me baby girl again. Where is my mother?"

"Oh don't be like that. We used to have fun together. Anyway your mother is in the living room watching tv."

I reached behind my back to make sure my gun was sitting right. If only he know how bad I want to shot him.

"Lisa look who's here."

She looked up from the couch and saw me.

"What do you want."

"I'm here so you can sign these."

I threw papers at her.

"What the fuck are these"

"Papers for me to take Daylon. I saw the bruises. Did you really think I wouldn't do anything about it. If you did then your sadly mistaken."

"How dare you. He is my son I can do whatever the hell I want with him. If I want to leave bruises on him I can."

I Think I Love Him (Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now