Chapter 7

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Why is it when people know you feel horrible and know that you get i'll quicker when you feel bad???? Uhhhh!!! I'm sorry guys! BS just make me really mad! So when hurricane irene hit I lost my keys! I have no idea where they could be! So I today I finally got a key made! Soo I'm going to try and post 2 chapters but I just took some midol and some NyQuil! I might just get this one in! I'm trying not to make my chapters to short, but not to long! Once I get writting I can't stop! So please tell me in a private if my chapters have been to long.... Lord let me go on and start writting if not I will talk your ears off!!!!! 


Soo 2 days until my birthday!!! Super excited!!! Jolisa wanted me and her to go off and get the stuff for my cake. We grabbed our stuff and got into her car and left. We pulled up and it was a specitalty food store! I love to cook I just hate washing dishes! They had every type of food you can think of! I kinda started to cry in excitement! Jolisa turned and looked at me like I had lost my mind! I love that girl! It was like we were sisters! I had started to pick up some fresh basil to smell and she smacked it out of my hand! "We're here to get stuff for you cake not for you to act like an Iron Chef!". I blew my breath saying ok... We walked down the isle with the baking supplies. "So what color did you say you wanted it to be again?" "Now you mean to tell me as long as we've been together you don't know what color I want it to be. Your a sucky friend" I say pretending like I was crying. "Yes dummy I know what color. Its pink, but there's like 3 trillion different shade of it! So what color pink do you want?!?!?!" I was so confused! She was right there was a lot fo pink out there. So after a minute I chose. She got the fondont, the flower and just about everything she need. She told me that she since I didn't think that she knew me good enough that she will go and make my favoriate flavor. We check out. That stuff came to almost 200 dollars! She must really love me! "Awww you love me!" I hug her and give her a big kiss. "If you don't get the fuck off of me Ima kill you!!! She said while pushing me off of her! All I could do was laugh. My stomach had started to hurt I laughed so hard! We got into the car, turned on the radio. We started singing! She sounds horrible lol!!! That girl can make a cake like you can't believe, but can't hold a note to save her life! 

Its almost 7, and Brian is on his way to get me so I can get something to eat and we can talk about him being a vampire. Since he's told me we really haven't been able to talk about it. My phone starts to vibrate. It almost scares me. I look down and its a text from Brian. He said he was outside for me to come on! I texted him back and told him that he can come in that I was almost done doing my makeup. I did something simple tonight, I didn't want him in the mood until Saturday night! I hope he gets either gets a hotel room or fix up his room for us. I put on some jeans and a dark pink shirt. I grabbed a jacket and my pocketbook and walked out of my beadroom. I walked out and saw him watching tv on the couch. I walked up behind him to scare him but he turned around and said "Now you know you can't sneak up on me". I make a face like little children make when their prank gets messed up.. He grabs me and pulled me into him. He gave me a small peck on the lips before asking if I was ready to go. I nodded and we walked out of the apartment. 

We pulled up to a sub place. I love toasted turkey subs! I got a turkey sub with lettuce, tomatos, onions, salt & pepper, oil and vinegar. I devoured it! I didn't know i was that hungry. Brian looked at me and laughed! He loved how I ate! When I got them to refill my cup and I got a cookie then we left

We went to his place and walked in. He already had a blanket and a movie waiting for us. He kissed me and pulled me onto the couch. "So baby can we talk about what you told me the other day?" I asked rubbing his hair. "How about this I will tell you after we watch the movie. Ok?" I nodded and he got up and put on Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. By the time I wake up the DVD player was on replaying the title screen and we both had fallen asleep. I wanted to talk to him about him being a vampire. I left him sleep. I turned off the tv and snuggled under him. I slept really good with him in his arms!

I Think I Love Him (Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now