Chapter 14

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Sorry for posting late!!!!

So I just found out that some words will make the story completely restricted!!! So I will be posting a restricted version!! When it comes to the part go download the restricted chapter/new story. Read it!!!!!  


I look at him dumbfounded. Since I was little I had dreamed of being a wife. Everyone would always say I was never cute enough or no one would want someone who was lazy. So I had pushed it off, and after many failed relationships I gave up the thought of getting married.

But this man right beside me wants to spend the rest of his life with me. He wants to live with my stinky feet and passin gas self! This man loves me for me. Not for what is on the outside. He loves me for the person I am.

I looked at the ring and start shaking. It was beautiful. I looked up at him and started crying! He looked at me with a face of hurt. I tried to speak but nothing would come out

"I... I.... I..." that was all I could say! Why couldn't my stupid mind say something other than I!! So I just kissed him. I kissed him to where he know that I said yes!

"So I'm guessing that is a yes" he said wiping away my tears.

"Why me? After all these years why me?" I asked still crying like a fool!

"Dawn listen you are the only person that can make me laugh, cry, smile, angry, and love. I had looked long and far for someone like you, but I couldn't find her. Do you know that I wake up dreaming about you at all times of the morning and how I want to call you or see that beautiful face? Do you know how happy I was when you told me that you didn't care if I was a vampire that you will love me anyway! That for the first time since I was human did I feel warm. You are my sun that shines that face of yours in the morning. Your the night that helps me go to sleep. Whenever I'm around you my heart starts jumping and I can't breathe.".

I can't breathe! I really can't breathe! I think I'm having an asthma attack.

"I (breathing in) think (breathing in) I'm (breathing in) having (breathing out) a (breathing in) asthma (breaking in) attack.

He hops up, and grabs my coat. The next thing I know we're in the car driving. I turn around and look at him and wonder how in the hell did he get dress so damn fast!! I'm here still in my night gown!

We arrive to the emergency room and he almost broke my foot trying to help me out of the car. We get up to the front and he tells them that I'm having an asthma attack. We sit down and wait for hours. I hate coming to the emergency room because they wait so long to see a person!! I could have died by now!

The call us back and the doctor asks what is going on. Brian tells h I'm that I'm having an attack. Then the doctor asks if I know what has caused it. I just raised my hand. He laughed and said that his wife did the same thing.

"I'm going to get you out of here as fast as I can so y'all can enjoy the rest of you night. And congrats!" he said that and left.

About 20 mins later someone came in with a breathing treatment. After a while I could breathe! Finally!

"You know this is you fault right"

"How is it my fault?"

"Because you decided to say all of this stuff to me!"

"Well I was only telling the truth!"

"You better make this up to me! Jerk"

"Yea yea. So do you like the ring?"

I Think I Love Him (Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now