Chapter five

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Heyyy guys, after realizing that tomorrow will be pretty hecktic and I won't have time to myself (Christmas food shopping, etc etc) I will post chapter five and six tonight! I hope everyone is enjoying it so far! I know everyone is dying to see what Marshall thinks of Whitney having an FB account. XXOO

Chapter five

            “Good night, honey” I kissed Ronnie good night. “Night mom” he said. Marshall came from behind me and placed a kiss on Ronnie’s forehead. Slowly and quietly Marshall and I closed his door, not waking up anyone. It was just us for the night, I work from home tomorrow and the best part Marshall will be home as well tomorrow. I was defiantly looking forward too Tuesday.

            Marshall was already in his PJ’s, simple, basketball shorts and a tank top. I always slept in a long t-shirt unless it was cool out; then shorts and a t-shirt. Winter, the house is lukewarm so everyone could feel comfortable under the sheets. Marshall sighs coming out of the bathroom, “What a day”.

            I chuckled, “Aww, Mars had a rough day” I said, cutely. “Yeah” he said simply resting his head on the pillow.

“Whitney seemed to be ok at dinner” Marshall said. Gahh! I was hoping to have more time to have to think of the right words to say about his daughter having a Facebook account. I guess I’ll use what I have.

            I nestled in the thick sheets and under Marshall’s arms as he flipped through the channels. My hand gently placed on top of his chest, where I can feel his heartbeat. Marshall gently stroked my hair making me doze off to sleep, I couldn’t I had a motherly mission to fulfill. As hard as it was, I picked my head up and looked over at Marshall.

“What honey?”

            “I need to talk to you about Whitney” I said, Marshall sat up with me and gave me a concern dead on look, as if something has happened to her today. I explained to him about her wanting a Facebook account, but yet I had my doubts about it as well. Whitney wants it to be accepted which I can understand but it is not worth it.

            “Well, the way I hear it I don’t seem to mind it I just want to make sure not just anybody can add her, just her friends” Marshall said.

“Yeah, I didn’t seem to have a problem with it and she can use just her first name and middle name, Whitney Lanie” I suggested.

“Yeah, don’t let her use her last name” Marshall suggested.

            I was happy I could talk to Marshall about these like simple human beings and like parents, unlike my parents. With my parents, nothing was ever solved. I gently nestled into Marshall’s arms again letting him stroke my hair. Eventually, I heard the TV go off and Marshall kissing me, “Good night sweetie, I love you”.

Marshall’s P.O.V

            Honestly, I was happy Natalia and I could discuss things about the kids like normal parents. Sure we have our disagreements and we might get angry at one another, but I have to admit for every time she got angry she has never hit me and I never hit her. I can’t hurt her, even if I wanted to it, the mere thought pained me. And what kills me is, Natalia has a short temper and she loses it easily but even when Ronnie drew on her reports for work; not once has she lost it or even hit him. A simple slap on the hand and into time out was all she has ever done.

            She is just the perfect wife and mother. And I know there is no such thing as perfect but when you have someone who had more faith in you then anyone else and who has suffered with you, I say they are perfect. She snuggled under my arm, pulling me closer to her like a teddy bear. A small smile came onto her lips, she knows I’m here. That moment made chuckle to myself.

            I rested my head back on the pillow feeling my eye lids ready to shut. As I felt myself drifting to sleep I felt a burning sensation coming from my chest and spreading through my body. It gave an unpleasant feeling that made me want to crawl out of the sheets. I looked at the clock and realized it was three in the morning. I was asleep for hours. Natalia was on her side of the bed, the sheets covering only her lower body and her arms wrapped around her sides.

            Quickly, I removed the sheets from my body and sat up. My entire shirt was wet and my lip wouldn’t stop quivering.  I don’t remember a nightmare I just remember an uncomfortable feeling taking over me, enough to wake me up. I’m losing it; I have to put on an act in front of the family so they wouldn’t notice my down fall.

            My stomach had an unsettling feeling that made it hard for me to breathe if I opened my mouth. I felt the unsettling feeling grow stronger as I rushed to the bathroom to lift up the toilet seat. A gush of acidy, chomp up food rushed from my mouth making it hard to take a breath. When it stopped I felt like I was holding my breath under water and I just come up for air. The feeling returned again and I stick my head down the toilet.

            The feeling continued and I started to feel like I needed to call Natalia. But it stopped for sure. It must’ve been the Red Bull from today. Natalia is right; I ought to stop drinking those. I sat up against the cabinets slowly feeling the sensation going away. The after taste lingered in my mouth and nose. My shirt was covered in the nasty stuff. I slowly removed my shirt and through it in the sink above me.

            After sitting on the bath room floor for what seemed for hours I cleaned up the mess and went back to bed. Chills began going down my body and entering my muscles. The pain almost left me crying, but I didn’t want to wake up Natalia. I shut my eye as I crossed my arms over my chest; shivering out of control. Natalia switched sides on the bed; she was facing me. Eventually I fell asleep; having delusional dreams.


            The sun rise making the colors in the room glow bright, I turned over to Marshall to wake him. It was strange, he had his shirt off and the blanket draped over him like he was cold. Thinking nothing of it, I placed a kissed on Marshall’s forehead. Oh, it was cold and clammy. Marshall fidgeted a little before slowly opening his eyes.

Marshall groaned, “I got sick last night”.

            Marshall felt extremely warm and his body was covered in sweat. “Aw, baby” I moaned.

“I was suppose too take the kids to school today” he groaned, attempting to get out of bed.

“No, no honey stay in bed I’ll get the kids ready”. Marshall gently laid his head back into the pillow and pulled the covers over him. I got the kids ready, they ate and I sent them too school.

            When I got home, Marshall was dressed in different clothes and huddled under the covers. I sat on the bed next to him, “I think it’s too much Red Bull” Marshall groaned.

“I think so too” I said, feeling his head. It was going to be hard working and checking on Marshall.

            “I have to get packing, the tour is next week” said Marshall. His eyes were puffy and red.

“Pack later, rest now” I said. I placed a kiss on his forehead and let him fall back to sleep. Work, the entire day was difficult I couldn’t keep my mind off Marshall. I felt wrong working and leaving Marshall all alone. Once in a while I would get up and check on him and he would be asleep. I let him be.

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