Chapter thirty-one

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Chapter thirty-one

Marshall's P.O.V

Being in mid-air from Detroit to Newark did not curve the urges, actually it made it worse. I gripped the cup holders with my fingers, it digged so deep that they left marks.

"Look, what Laney drew daddy" Ronnie said, popping up from the seat in front of me.

"That's very nice, Ron, who is in it?" I stuttered.

With his tiny finger he began pointing who was in it, "It's us at Christmas time." "Who is the person with the wrenches on her?" "Oh, that's Aunt Sophia." I chuckled to myself, realizing that girls took Natalia's joke about her aunt seriously. I'm sure she wasn't that bad, a women in her late eighties can't possibly have enough strength to squeeze their cheeks now.

"Don't make fun of Aunt Sophia, when we get there you all be nice" Natalia, sternly but quietly said.

"Yes, mama" Ronnie said. Natalia sat in the front where she could keep an eye on Ronnie mostly, I sat behind, alone. I didn't want Natalia seeing me jittery or nervous. Looking out the window, I could tell we were not in Michigan anymore. The clouds somehow, were becoming invisible. As long as I was married to Natalia, I never seen a cloudy or rainy Christmas, maybe snow the day of Christmas or two days after, but the sun was always out.

The airport was so crowded that we did not put Ronnie down to walk himself. We were afraid someone will snatch him. The anxiety of the people added onto my urges, I had sweat pouring down my forehead, soon drenching my shirt.

"Marshall, are you ok sweetie?" Natalia asked. "Yeah, honey, just hot in here." After renting the car we were only two exits away from Newark. The kids never seemed to get over how big the city was, or how close taking off planes, were to their fingertips when they filed over us in the car.

The closer we came to Renee's house, the more the kids sat up in their seats, peaking over our shoulders so they could spot the house before us.

"Are we almost there yet?" Ronnie asked anxiously. "Almost" Natalia said, hearing the excitement in her voice as well. She fidgeted with her fingers, as if she was almost like the children, ready to jump out of the car. I smiled to myself, gripping her fingers into mine.

We came to Renee's house, her house decorated with easy to put up Christmas lights, on the bushes, the banisters, and little replicas of Santa and reindeer. A huge reef hung in the living room window, and the word Noel, in the middle of it all light up. The front door was open, welcoming in all the visitors who are coming.

Once the car was parked, Ronnie jumped out of the car, and ran up to Grandpa Nelson, who welcomed him with open arms. Renee came out wearing a green and red sweater coat, her hair in a bun hugging Natalia as if she hasn't seen her in years. Renee came to the children and hugged and kissed them with equal love. Last was me, hugging and kissing me as if I was her own son.

The inside of the house smelled of all kinds of different foods, but had a fishy after smell to it. When I saw the buffet of food lined up on a small table, including the island, I realized it was all fish.

"Fish again, Renee?" I asked. "Uh huh, Marshall you know we only have fish on Christmas Eve," "But I made you a ham too!" She exclaimed, taking a large piece of pink meat out of the oven. I smiled pleasantly at her.

"Is the front lawn on fire, Ronald?" Aunt Sophia asked, "No, Aunt Soph, those are...Christmas lights" Nelson said sadly, helping Aunt Sophia into the house. She slump over slightly, from her old age and was no taller than Hailie. The kids stood in front of her, terrified of their cheeks being pinched, but knew they had to respect their great-aunt.

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