Chapter twenty-six

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Chapter twenty-six

            I bought Hailie a new T-shirt and brought her back to my office. How could I take this so lightly? My kid just pulverized another girl! I was more concerned if Hailie was ok, never mind who threw the first punch. I still don’t understand why the police got involved.

As I started organizing files I asked Hailie, “Hailie, Dean Anderson said the police were called what did you really do?”

Hailie sat there and didn’t say a word. “Honey, I won’t be mad at you if you tell me the truth” I said sweetly.

“Nothing, I just had the upper hand…That’s normal at my school the police are called for everything.” “I’m just surprised they didn’t call dad.”

“Dad is at the studio today.” I sat back in my chair as I tied my hair into a messy bun.

“Are you gonna tell him?” She sounded concern and afraid maybe of what her father might do. It is Marshall’s birth daughter and not mine, he does have the right to know I guess these are one of those hard decisions parents make. I juggled between telling him or not, would it come back to haunt me if I don’t?

“Hailie, daddy does have a right to know you can’t hide it it’s all over your face”. Hailie pruced her lips together and clasp her fingers awkwardly.

            Hailie started to get bored while sitting in the office, she has already walked all four floors of the buildings, and she has reorganized all the files in the file cabinets and it wasn’t even two. She must’ve looked at the pictures on my desk at least a million times each and memorized who was in them, what day it was, how the weather was, and what color were the pictures and what frames. I sent her across the street to the little shops and told her to find an idea what she wants for Christmas.

            As I began my research on my computer, I noticed through the reflection of myself for the very first time. I somehow reminded myself of my mother. My face looked tired and worn out, my cheeks were puffy and I had lines around my lips and nose. My eyes began to look droopy and dragged out. As I took the side of my hands and pulled back my cheeks, making the most part of my face look flawless but my lips wider. I reminded myself of those old actress who you knew that had a Botox injection.

            “Talia, here are the papers you asked for yesterday, would you believe it they were under my laptop…that small…” Tina looked up and noticed I was trying to pin my face back. She stared awkwardly for a moment,

“Um, maybe I should come back later…” she said.

“No stay, sweetie!”

            At the moment, my sense of security was gone and all I wanted to do was put a paper bag over my face. I always felt pretty no matter what and worrying about my looks was never an issue growing up. I never much cared, deep down I was beautiful through my personality and it showed through my eyes.

            “What’s wrong?” Tina asked. I stopped pulling back my face, “When do we start looking old?”

“What?” Tina chuckled.

“I don’t know, this is the first time I’ve looked at myself and realized…” I trailed off once I took a closer look at my face.

“That you realized you are in your late 20s?” Tina finished.

“Sort of…”

“Hey, I’m only twenty-three and I see it little by little every morning” she said placing the folders on my desk.

            Tina was about to leave when she realized that I wasn’t paying attention. She watched me as I frustratingly pulled my face back in different ways.

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