You aren't real

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I woke up with a pounding headache. Where the hell am i? I look around, taking in my surroundings, my vision blurry. I'm in a room, all black and white. I'm laying down on a white bed, with a baggy black t shirt that smelled like calogne, and a pair of underwear. This isn't my shirt and this isn't my house. I try and think back to last night, but my mind is completely blank. My heart starts to race, have i been kidnapped? I feel a aching pain in my neck. I bring my hand up, slightly running my finger over the aching spot. I spot a mirror on the wall across from me, i get out of bed, walking over. I lift my hair around my back, revealing my neck.

There's 2 red dots side by side, a drip of blood slowly dripping from one. I was about to wipe off the blood when i heard a voice behind me. 

"Look who's awake" I turn around and see a teenage boy standing in front of me. He looks oddly familliar. He had curly brown hair, dark green eyes, and he was very fit. I couldn't help but feel attracted to him, but i have no idea who he is. He kidnapped me. 

"Who are you and where am i?" I demanded, walking towards him. I looked into his eyes, as a smile appeared on his lips. His eyes went from a dark shade of green into a dark shade of red. The sight made me jump back. I'm imagining this all, i have to be.

"Don't worry babe, i'm not gonna hurt you...yet." he had an evil look in his eyes, followed by a laugh. My stomach dropped, body frozen.  "Don't freak out, you'll be fine. Now, i'm a little hungry. Good thing you got your sleep last night, i find that when my victims are all worked up, the blood doesn't taste as good, you know?" He said stepping towards me, his eyes getting 2 shades darker. 

Vampire. "Get away from me! You're not real, things like you don't exist in real life, only in movies!" I shouted, my voice quivering. 

"Now if i'm not real, what am i doing here, right now?" He said with a smirk, coming closer, 2 fangs appearing on each side of his mouth. My heart is pounding out of my chest, i can barely breathe right now. 

"I can hear your heart beating from here, calm down. The more tense you are, the more painfull it will be, relax" He said throwing my hair behind my back. He put his hand up to my neck, i let out a small whimper. I kicked him in the stomach, earning myself a low growl from the creature. 

"Feisty, i like it" He said, darting towards me, all i saw was a blur. He was in front of me in a matter of seconds, his cold breath on my neck. "Try not to scream too loud" he said as he sunk his fangs into my neck, i screamed out in pain. I could feel the blood being drained from my body, and i soon became light headed. I felt someone lay my body down on the bed, as my eyes shut, and i passed out. 

Inner Demons (Harry Styles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin