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Rowen's P.O.V

"Where is she? Let me fucking see her." I heard Harry's voice from across the door. "Harry, you'll do something you'll regret" Niall said. "No i won't, where the hell is she?" I could hear the anger in his voice, why does he want to see me? What am i, a human blood bag now? I don't want him to come down here. 

"Niall, i'm gonna ask you one more time before i do something i do regret. Where is she?" My body is shaking, don't let him come down here please..

"She's in the basement, we'll be watching you." I heard niall's voice say, as i instantly curse under my breath. I back up into a corner, waiting for the door to open. Nothing. Is he not coming down here? I hear something fall from somewhere on the room. "Harry?" I asked, quite frightened. "Harry is that you?" 

I heard a light chuckle, and i saw a flash of light. "Harry this isn't funny, please stop" i felt shivers go down my spine. "Oh, but it is" I heard a voice whisper from behind me, instantly making me jump. I turn around and come face to face with Harry, but he looks normal, no red eyed, no fangs, he looks beautiful. 

"What do you want now?" I asked, trying to sound confident. He took a step towards me, a smirk playing up on his lips. 

"Look at you trying to act all confident, i like it. But i can sense how scared you are right now." He backed me up onto the wall. "Are you scared of me Rowen?" He kissed my neck, my body tensing up.

"N-no" I stuttered, i probobly looked so vaunerable to him right now. "I think you're lying baby girl" He said, placing a piece of hair behind my ear. 

"You don't scare me, you're a coward." I said, pushing him off of me. He laughed at my comment. "I'm a coward?" He raised an eyebrow. "I think it's best you watch your mouth. You know i could snap your neck like a twig." He said coming closer. 

"You wouldn't do that" I shivered, knowing that the words that were coming out of my mouth were a lie. "Wanna bet?" He took a step back. 

"So Rowen, tell me a little about yourself." He took a seat on the couch, patting the spot beside him. I took the seat across from the couch. He looked offended by my choice of seating. "Why should i tell you? You don't care about me." I snapped, earning myself a laugh. 

"Why do you think that? Why do you think i've kept you here, Rowen? So i can feed off of you whenever i please? When was the last time i bit your neck? 2 days ago. Don't you think that there's some other reason for my keeping you here?" He looked me in the eyes. 

I was lost for words, i didn't know how to reply to that. "No comeback, huh? This is the first time i've ever seen you lost for words. I guess that's the affect i have on you" He said, speeding over behind me, whispering in my ear. 

I laughed at him. "Affect you have on me? I fucking hate you Harry, you're a monster." He looked hurt, but that was soon replaced by a devilish smirk. "You think i'm a monster Rowen? You wanna see a monster? I'd be happy to demonstrate" he said, his eyes getting darker by the minute. I swallowed down hard.

"Didn't think so" He said, returning to his regular form. 

"So how's life?" He asked, taking a seat down on the couch. "How's life? How's life harry are you freaking serious right now? I'm being helled by you and your idiotic stupid little vampire friends, when all i really want to do is set you all on fire and go home" I tried to sound as serious as i could. 

"I know you don't feel that way Rowen. As much as you hate to admit it, you like being here, you like having me here" He said, backing me up onto the wall.  I felt his breath on my face, getting slightly turned on. 

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