I'm gone,

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        My breath hitches in my throat, my eyes wide, darkness weighing me down. It's over, he's gone, everything that we have been fighting for all came down to this very moment, a moment i wished I would never have to live through. 

I feel a warm tear fall down my cheek as i stand there frozen, looking into the eyes of the guy I love, or should I say loved. No, I love him, nothing will ever change that. It's a crazy world out there, nothing you could ever imagine, and not in a million years would i ever of imagined that this would be my fate, my world. I look to the floor then back into the stone red eyes staring right through me

I see Jared roll his eyes at my expression of sorrow, and he slowly takes a step forward and takes his place next to Harry. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, brother? You know what to do."

Harry's expression hasn't changed, his cold eyes dark, skin pale like snow in the middle of moonlight, motionless. 

"Now why would I want to cut right to the chase, all the fun would be over. Let's have a little fun, why don't you say?" his voice is slurred and rough, his smirk slowly fading. He moved closer towards me. 

"You have such a beautiful face, angelic really, I can understand why I was once so intrigued by you." he said slowly in my ear. Once

"Harry, please, I love you-"

"No you don't. You don't know me, clearly. If you've known me like you thought you did, enough to love me, then you would of seen this coming. But look at us now, look at you, a pathetic little human begging for your life, for me, it's quite silly." 

"You don't mean any of this and you know you don't" I scream, every last bit of emotion draining out of me along with these words."

"See, you clearly don't know me. I don't say anything I don't mean, well, accept for when I said I loved you." 

I caught my breath in my throat at the sound of those words. All happiness and energy completely drained from my body. 

"You don't love me? Then kill me."

"Rowen watch what you say!" I hear Liam say from the back. I see the look of challenge in Harry's eyes.

"Oh shut up, this is too good." Niall leans back against the wall, letting out a small chuckle. 

"If you loved me then why am I still here? Why am I still standing in front of you with a beating heart! A heart that belongs to you!" I lift my hand up and put my finger up to his chest, he doesn't move. 

"A-and right there is a heart that belongs to me." 

He flinches and moves my hand off of his chest. 

"Belonged to you." 

With those words I was pushed up agains the wall, Harry planting a single kiss on my neck, his hair tickling underneath my ear. 

"I'm sorry." he says slowly, but there was not a single hint of sorrow or regret in his tone. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the pain thats about to take over my body. I don't know whats going to hurt more, dying and getting the life sucked out of me, or the fact that the one draining me of everything I have left is the one i love. 

A huge weight is lifted off of me as Harry is pulled back and thrown aggresively up against the wall. I snap my head up and see Louis and Zayn standing upright now, Liam and Harry fighting over in the corner. 

"Liam-" A hand is shot over my mouth and I'm hauled back. 

"Everybody stop it!" Jared yells from behind me and the room becomes silent and motionless. Harry and Liam both wipe the blood form their mouthes and look at each other, almost sympethetically.

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