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"Please stop!" She screamed, I could see the pain and tears in her eyes. I just stood there as I watched the man come closer to her. I tried to move, but I couldn't. There was something holding me back.

"Please! Harry hel-" she was cut off by the man grabbing her by the throat, throwing her to the ground. "Shut the fuck up." He screamed, veins popping out of his neck.

"He doesn't love you, he wants you dead" the man said, picking her up. I heard her wince at the sudden contact. "Y-yes he does" she pleaded, the man pushing her on her knees. "Do you really believe that? Honey, he couldn't care less if you were dead." He smirked, pushing her up agains the wall.

I tried to scream, tell her that it wasn't true, but no sound came out. I struggled, my mouth desperate for words, but nothing. "You see, I have a problem here." The man said backing up. Tears were running down her face now, a sight I couldn't bear to see.

"Let her go!" I screamed, but I was still silent. "You and harry, you guys have a little something going on between you two, something that isn't normal. Something that isn't supposed to happen. Something that isn't allowed to happen. I was planning on letting it slide, put it to the side, but it seems to be affecting what i have planned here." The man said walking in a circle, index finger on his chin.

She looked up at him, fear filling her eyes. "What are you talking about?" She whimpered. The man looked down and grinned at her, eyes flashing red.

"I need the most powerful vampires on my side, and when he's with you darling... He is at his weakest." He continued on. I tried screaming. "Don't listen to a single-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my stomach, sliding down the wall. I clenched my stomach in pain, letting out a scream.

"So that means that there's only one option left, darling." He said turning to look at me.

"Either you go..... or harry does."

I woke up, sweat dripping down my forehead, blood running down my chin.
I took in my surroundings, I was at home. I put my feet on the cold basement floor, heading upstairs. Images from my past dream surrounded my head. Rowen lying there on the floor, completely horrified. The worst part was, I couldn't protect her, and that is a feeling I never wanna feel again.

"Hey mate." I looked up to see Louis standing in the doorway with a cup of blood tea in hand. "How'd I get home last night?" I just cut right to the chase. He looked taken back. "I don't know, I came home and you were asleep" he said crossing his arms in confusion.

"Oh, thanks." I said walking out. "Heyharry" He called. "Yeah?"

"Do you not remember?" He asked with a worried look on his face. I nodded in response. "I don't know man, but have you seen anything strange going on lately?" I asked coming closer. He raised an eyebrow. "What exactly do you mean?" He asked taking a seat on the couch, Me following.

"Jared's back." I said quietly, just in time for the other boys to walk back into the room. "What?!" Liam's head snapped towards mine. "He's back." I said walking over to the they boys.

"What does he want?" Zayn asked sternly. I looked at him. "Exactly what he wanted last time, but this time he's not here to fool around."

"What are we gonna do?" Niall asked.

"I don't know right now"

"What about row-"

"I'll go get her, but I'm gonna need your guises help."

They all agreed as I showed them the adress, and we all walked out the door.

"There is is, Brock avenue." Liam said speeding over. "House 322, 324, 326" we continued down the road.

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